- The spatial metadata standard of NREDIS was adopted to develop spatial metadata databases, which inaugurates a new era in developing spatial metadata database in the field of water resources. 采用NREDIS信息共享元数据内容标准建立的空间元数据库,开创了我国水资源领域建立空间元数据管理系统的先河。
- spatial metadata standard 空间元数据标准
- It is difficult for MCS to manage distributed multi-source spatial data.This paper introduces a new Spatial Metadata Catalog Services(SMCS). 针对元数据目录服务MCS对多源空间数据管理困难的特点,该文提出一种新的分布式空间元数据目录服务SMCS的设计与实现方法。
- Dublin Core is a valid metadata standard to describe information resource in Web. 元数据Dublin Core是一种有效的描述网络信息资源的元数据标准。
- MethodsStudy the definition and character of metadata, establish the metadata standard and directory service system to execute the data search service. 方法研究元数据的定义与特征,制定元数据标准、然后建立目录服务系统进行数据检索服务。
- This paper proposes the metadata standard and the data share framework of the results by exploring the application value of the data. 通过探讨元数据技术在实现农用地分等定级估价成果信息共享中的应用,提出相应的元数据标准和共享体系。
- This paper, according to metadata standard at home and abroad at present, discusses the metadata making in town cadastre database construction by using metadata function. 参照目前国内外现有的元数据标准的规定,根据元数据的功能,对城镇地籍数据库建设中元数据的制作进行了探讨。
- spatial metadata catalog smwice (SMCS) 空间元数据目录服务组件SMCS
- Spatial Metadata Catalog Service(SMCS) 空间元数据目录服务
- Using Extensible Markup Language (EML) to describe metadata standard, it carries out metadata management and metadata expansiong. It can help user to query effectively and find resource quickly in the database. 用适合于描述元数据的可扩展语言 XML 来描述元数据标准 ,很大程度上实现了元数据的有效管理和可扩展性 ,为资源与环境数据库的资源快速导航和高效查询提供了有力的支持
- Based on the international general metadata standard Dublin Core, we first established the military image metadata, and then analyzed the extraction and description of the visual features such as color, texture and shape. 首先在国际通用的元数据标准Dublin Core的基础上制定了适合军队要求的图像元数据集,并详细分析了颜色、纹理、形状等视觉特征的提取和表示方法;
- In this paper, we discussed the metadata standard in our country and the world. Consequently the structure and application of some metadata standard in library information area, for example, MARC, CCFC, Dublin Core, were introduced. 本文通过对目前国内、外元数据标准的研究,介绍了图书情报界的几种元数据标准的结构和应用情况,如MARC、CCFC、Dublin Core。
- According to the current developing status on Antarctica database, we primarily introduce the metadata standard, and compare some metadata standards among FGDC,ISO/TC211,and DIF. 结合当前南极数据库建设的国际国内形势,重点介绍了南极数据的常用元数据标准,并对DIF元数据标准、FGDC元数据标准、ISO/TC211元数据标准进行了比较分析。
- A great deal of interest and incipient work has been directed toward reconciling LOM with other metadata standards. 大量有意义的工作还刚刚开始,主要是为了协调LOM与其他元数据标准。
- This paper introduces several problems of designing the description metadata standards of theses and dissertations. 介绍学位论文描述性元数据标准制订中遇到的几个问题;
- In face of this situation, this paper aids to solve this imbalance by synthesizing the TBIR and the CBIR in terms of the users' requirements and the image metadata standards. 本文正是针对这样一种不协调的情况,从用户对图像检索的需求出发,以图像元数据标准为平台,对基于内容图像检索和基于文本图像检索的融合问题做一探讨,这有利于解决图像检索中存在的有关兼容问题。
- The project of metadata standard for coal geology was brought forward, which is of general, pertinence and terseness.It can content the standardization requirement of the platform about coal geology. 提出“煤地质学元数据标准”设计方案,具有全面性、针对性、简洁性等特点,能够满足煤地质科学平台标准化的需求。
- Research of Synchronization Mechanism between Spatial Metadata and Geographical Entity 空间元数据与地理实体之间的同步机制
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。
- The Design and Realization of the Spatial Metadata Distributing System Based on JSP 基于JSP的空间元数据发布系统的设计与实现