- spatial economic pattern 空间格局
- However, the complicated economic pattern determined macroeconomic policy should be changed randomly. 然而;复杂的经济形式决定了宏观经济政策要随机应变.
- While financial management in nongovernment business is in an unnormal state because of its special economic pattern. 但民营企业的特殊的经济形态及成长方式,使得民营企业的财务管理处于一种非正常的状态之中,它具有明显的自身特点。
- While financialmanagement in nongovernment business is in an unnormal state because of itsspecia!economic pattern. 但民营企业的特殊的经济形态及成长方式,使得民营企业的财务管理处于一种非正常的状态之中,它具有明显的自身特点。
- As the private sector is rapidly shaking off the fetter of conventions, a new economic pattern is taking shape in our country. 随着民间力量迅速摆脱种种束缚,一个新的经济格局正在我国出现。
- The commodity economy inherent in Chinese society stepped on a new developing stage, the economic pattern and structure changed slowly but tangibly. 中国社会固有的商品经济经历了新的发展阶段,经济格局与结构得到了进一步的调整。
- After founding a state, our country basically copied economic pattern of Sidalin, thereby arrearage the development of productivity. 建国后,我国基本上照搬了斯大林的经济模式,从而迟滞了生产力的发展。
- Therefore space study has now become the foreland of general economics,and the total mergence of spatial economics into general economics needs the further development of both. 空间问题成为经济学的前沿,二者的完全融合有待于双方的进一步的发展。
- Today's rapid development in science and technology is bringing about increasingly greater impact on global political and economic pattern and people's social life. 科学技术的突飞猛进,越来越深刻地影响着世界政治经济的格局和人们的社会生活。
- spatial economic integration Beijing 空间经济一体化
- Intensity of spatial economic relationship 空间经济联系强度
- The Nan-Gui-Kun economic region (NGKER) plays an important role as the western exploitation's South Alt, which is an indispensable part in our regional economic pattern. 南贵昆经济区是西部地区“南翼”的一个重点开发区域,是我国区域经济格局中不可缺少的组成部分。
- The lesson can be seriously drawn from the history: predatory economic pattern must be forbidden and the concept of sustainable and scientific development must be upheld. 历史的启示是严正的:掠夺式经营方式必须禁止,可持续的理念和科学的发展观必须坚持。
- It deserves to be specially noted that the limitations of the old rules of origin are being increasingly exposed by the development of the world economy and great changes in the global economic pattern. 特别需要指出的是,随着世界经济发展和经济格局的巨大变化,原产地原则的局限性愈来愈清楚地暴露出来。
- Recently because the influence of globalization and the socialist reform and opening up all over the world, DPRK has also reformed the ideology sense gradually, changed traditional economic pattern and has begun to know and explore socialism again. 近年来,由于全球化和世界社会主义改革开放浪潮的影响,朝鲜也在逐步革新思想观念,改变传统经济模式,开始重新认识社会主义,探索社会主义。
- Scientific techniques have penetrated into all fields of our live, the generation and development in modem scientific techniques are influencing on economic pattern of whole world. 摘要科学技术已渗透到我们生活的各个领域,当代科技的产生和发展正在影响着整个世界的经济格局。
- Public and Spatial Economics for Planners 规划师公共与空间经济
- The Jinuo, one of China's mountainous ethnic groups, enjoyed a traditional economic pattern mostly dependent on the primary slash-and burn farming together with food forage and hunting activities. 摘要基诺族作为中国的山地少数民族之一,其传统经济形式是以刀耕火种为主,采集狩猎为辅的初级农业。
- Endogenous-Growth Spatial Economics 空间内生增长理论