- spatial direction relations 空间方向关系
- spatial direction relation 空间方向关系
- The persons who have direct relations with appeal and complaint shall abstain from the works of settlement for that complaint or appeal. 3与申诉、投诉有直接关系的人员,应回避该项投诉或申诉的处理工作。
- The burning temperature of raw mix has direct relations with its burnatiliy.Under the same device conditions,using burnability index can control burning temperature of the kiln. 生料的煅烧温度与其易烧性有直接的关系,在设备条件一定的情况下,可以用易烧性来控制窑的煅烧温度。
- Because the ISS's orbital plane is inclined and precesses, all spatial directions could be sampled. 因为ISS的轨道倾斜且具有进动,所有空间方向都能检测。
- Therefore,this method not only solves the trace design of spatial directional well,but also is simple and flexible in design. 而斜平面内定向钻孔设计又可借助于垂直平面内定向钻孔的设计方法。 因此,使用该法不仅解决了空间定向钻孔轨迹设计问题,而且方法简单,设计灵活。
- In this paper we used a model for real objects.By a series of definitions and lemmas,we studied a composition method which was applied to cardinal direction relations based on real objects. 摘要 使用基于真实物体的方向关系模型,通过一系列的定义和定理,研究了一种基于真实物体的主方向关系的合成方法。
- Whether a cat molts is in direct relation with the color of human's clothes. 猫是否脱毛,和人穿的衣服颜色有直接关系。
- But what is the direct relation between poset theory and the containment relations between different kinds of greedoids? 但是偏序集理论与不同种广义拟阵间的包含关系的直接联系是什么呢?
- There is a direct relation of this surface to the distribution of a lenticular sandstone which overlies it. 这个面直接控制着它上面的透镜状砂岩的分布。
- A direct relation between the acute inflammatory response after injury and the initiation of repair has been recognized for generations. 损伤引起的急性炎症反应和修复开始之间的直接关系已为几代人所认识。
- Temple economy is outcome of Tibetan Buddhism temple,its production and development has direct relation with temple. 寺院经济是藏传佛教寺院在藏区发展的产物。
- This suggested that the acupuncture treatment of asthma in ADX rats had no direct relation to adrenalcorticosteroid. 提示针刺治疗哮喘不主要依赖肾上腺皮质激素。
- In clinical practice,some chonic obstinate disease and symptom have direct relation with accumulation of blood stasis. 临床观察,一些慢性疾病、久病不愈的顽疾、疑难病症等常与血瘀有直接关系。
- The sandy Pinus sylvestris var.Mongolica plantation has no direct relation with soil salinity. 沙地樟子松人工林衰退与土壤盐分没有直接的关系。
- On the surface looked subdues the reduction and new style Fox do not have what direct relation. 表面上看制胜的降价与新款福克斯并没有什么直接的联系。
- That basically means I have borrowed techniques and form from sculpture, but that the final works have no direct relation to sculptures themselves. 那在根本上意味着我从雕塑中借用了技巧和形式,但是最终作品与雕塑本身没有任何关系。
- But there are other factors affecting the return of stock and there is no direct relation between stock return and the Beta. 但是 ,股票收益率不仅与贝塔之外的因子有关 ,而且与贝塔之间的关系也不是线性的。
- There were directive relations between the Yunnan's rainy season above-early onset time in 2002 and building of Somali jet, the abrupt change of the upper-level midlatitude and low-latitude circulations. 2002年云南雨季偏早开始与索马里急流建立,高层中低纬环流出现“突变”有直接原因。
- In a little while we lost our sense of direction. 一会儿我们就辨不清方向了。