- spatial auto - association 空间自相关
- The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay. 底特律的汽车工人为争取提高工资而罢工。
- He made the best time in the auto race. 他的汽车赛中开得最快。
- In that period auto sales hit a14-year low. 这时期汽车销售量达到14年来最低水平。
- National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing. 全国汽车比赛协会。
- Another auto store was opened in town yesterday. 昨天镇上又开了一家汽车商行。
- He was maimed in an auto accident. 他在一次车祸中成了残废。
- I benefited a lot from my association with him. 我与他交往获益良多。
- The association is under the auspices of Word Bank. 这个组织是在世界银行的赞助下办的。
- His association with the gang brought him into disrepute. 他同这个帮派的联系使他名誉扫地。
- That auto company is coming out with several new models. 那家汽车公司将把好几种新型号产品投入市场。
- I benefited much from my association with him. 我从跟他的交往中获益匪浅。
- What association do you have with the color green? 绿色会使你产生什么联想?
- The auto industry has brought many people to Detroit. 汽车工业把许多人吸引到了底特律。
- The auto workers hurled down their tools and walked out. 那些汽车工人扔下工具,举行罢工。
- Some new measures are needed to give teeth to this association. 必须采取某些新措施来加强这个组织。
- The auto plant now has an annual capacity of 12,000 cars. 这家汽车厂现在每年能生产一万二千辆汽车。
- The association has written down his value as a novelist. 该协会贬斥了他作为小说家的价值。
- Fluctuations are spatial and temporal in character. 这种波动的特点是空间性和瞬时性的。
- The United Auto Workers hit the bricks against General Motors. 联合汽车工人工会举行罢工,反对通用汽车公司。