- File is partially a sparse file. 文件一部分为稀疏文件。
- Correcting sparse file record segment %1. 正在修改疏松文件记录片段%251。
- Sparse files are a feature of the NTFS file system. 稀疏文件是NTFS文件系统的一项功能。
- As data is written to the sparse file, NTFS allocates disk space gradually. 随着数据写入稀疏文件,NTFS会逐渐分配磁盘空间。
- When a snapshot is taken, the sparse file takes up little disk space. 创建快照时,稀疏文件占用的磁盘空间很少。
- Initially, a sparse file contains no user data, and disk space for user data has not been allocated to it. 最初,稀疏文件不包含用户数据,因为未向其分配磁盘空间用来存储用户数据。
- This means that, on the average, the size of a sparse file slightly exceeds the space actually filled by pages. 这意味着稀疏文件的大小一般来说会稍大于页实际填充的空间。
- Sparse files are typically large files whose data are mostly zeros. 稀疏文件一般是数据通常为零的大文件。
- As the database is updated over time, however, a sparse file can grow into a very large file. 然而,由于数据库随着时间的推移不断更新,稀疏文件会增长为一个很大的文件。
- At first, a sparse file contains no user data, and disk space for user data has not been allocated to the sparse file. 首先,稀疏文件不包含任何用户数据,并且没有为稀疏文件分配用于用户数据的磁盘空间。
- The maximum size to which a sparse file can grow is the size of the corresponding source database file at the time of the snapshot creation. 稀疏文件最大只能增长到创建快照时相应的源数据库文件的大小。有关详细信息,请参阅。
- The light gray rectangles in the snapshot diagram represent potential space in a sparse file that is as-yet unallocated. 快照关系图中的浅灰色方框表示稀疏文件中尚未分配的潜在空间。
- After a page has been updated, a read operation on the snapshot still accesses the original page, which is now stored in a sparse file. 在更新了之后页,在快照的一次读操作仍然访问原文,在一个稀稀落落的文件现在被存放。
- Alternatively, to see the disk space used by a sparse file, you can right-click the file in Microsoft Windows, click Properties, and look at the Size on disk value. 另外,若要查看稀疏文件占用的磁盘空间,也可以在Microsoft Windows中右键单击文件,再单击“属性”,然后查看“占用空间”值。
- The sparse files used by database snapshots are provided by the NTFS file system. 数据库快照所用的稀疏文件由NTFS文件系统提供。
- Like sparse files, alternate data streams are a feature of the NTFS file system. 和稀疏文件一样,备用数据库流也是NTFS文件系统的一项功能。
- The file is a sparse file. Sparse files are typically large files whose data are mostly zeros. [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。
- For information about using sparse files by database snapshots, see How Database Snapshots Work. 有关数据库快照使用稀疏文件的详细信息,请参阅数据库快照的工作方式。
- For sparse files, this number is the actual number of bytes on the disk that are used for database snapshots. 对于稀疏文件,此数字是数据库快照在磁盘上所占用的实际字节数。
- The ideal lifespan of a snapshot depends on its growth rate and the disk space that is available to its sparse files. 快照理想的使用期限取决于其增长率以及可用于其稀疏文件的磁盘空间。