- So we can get an conclusion to be verified that physical unit has its own space time structure , is consists of multidimensional space time , and can be universally expressed by its STC in physics . 据此我们得到了一个可以确认的答案:物理单位具有时空结构,它们都是由多维时空构成的并且可以用时空组态对其进行物理学表述。
- On the Space Time Structure and Form of Environment Mechanism of Informatics Subdisciplines Group 当代情报学分支学科群体环境机制作用的时空格局
- space time structure 时空结构
- In the space time, my uncle enjoys woodcarving. 空闲的时候,我舅舅就以木雕为乐。
- A time structure that consists of hour, minute, and second. 由小时、分钟和秒组成的时间结构。
- You can take leisure at your space time by all means. 你当然可以悠闲的利用你的自由时间。
- It is periodic display of folk customs. Fair tourism possess predominance that hold original zoology, utilize structure of space time at an advantage, be convenient for producing and easy to contain tradition and modern. 开发集市旅游具有保持民俗的原生态、便于产品化、传统和现代便于兼容、投资少见效快、社会效益明显等优势,是一种有前途的民族文化旅游新形式。
- Fair tourism possess predominance dial hold original zoology, utilize structure of space time at an advantage, be convenient for producing and easy to contain tradition and modern. It is a kind of new form with happy future. 集市旅游具有保持民俗的原生态、时空结构方便利用、便于产品化、传统和现代便于兼容等优势,是前程远大的民族文化旅游开发新途径。
- The digital aesthetic schema is a nonlinear time structure of multi-core and multi-nature. 电子审美图式的非线性时间结构表现为多核多质的模式。
- Some young lithograph artists express the infinite space time by means the structure of planar arrangement and combination of abstract and show a strong sense of modern times. 一些年轻石版画家则以平面罗列的结构、抽象与具象的混搭着力呈现时空的无限,体现出较强的现代意识。
- The equation of the Law of Universal Gravitation is deduced on the basis of Einstein's Relativity with Newton's viewpoint of absolute space time. 摘要在爱因斯坦的相对论基础之上,借助牛顿绝对时空的观点,对牛顿万有引力定律进行了理论推导。
- "Your own time structure misleads you into your ideas of the relative permanency of physical matter, and you close your eyes to the constant alterations within it. “你们自己的时间结构将你们误导至你们的物质事物的相对永久的观念,而你们对它之内连续不断的变化却视而不见。
- Supersymmetric mechanics.Volume 2,Attractor mechanism and space time singularities /Stefano Bellucci (ed.). 日本物理学会讲演概要集.;第61巻;第1号(第61回年次大会);第3分册/日本物理学会[编]
- At the same time,structure of king's revenue got its form gradually, financial officials ,such as county and hundred, and Danegeld were inherited by Norman dynasty. 同时,国王的收入结构渐渐成型,郡和百户区等财政机构的发展、丹麦金的征收都为诺曼王朝所沿用。
- You seem to have space time to study CSP. Expect your all functional CSP rollout early. 现在有些时间看看您的程序了,看了2个简单的类,还没有比较全面的认识呢。
- Once had a vivid memory in the space flight near 12 day-long Trigg orostachys fimbriatus to the outer space time. 曾在太空飞行近12天的特里格瓦松对太空时光记忆犹新。
- "Qi-BHS" can be quantum and computerized to meet modern computer and space time. ‘气’是量子化的,可以数字化而符合计算机和航天时代。
- For AEW radar, a new space time adaptive filter with recursive algorithm has been proposed. 针对预警机雷达信号 ,提出了一种递推式空时二维自适应处理方法。
- Effects of reaction temperature,loading of KOH and space time on selectivity of 2-ethoxyethanol were investigated. 考察了反应温度、KOH负载量及空时对乙醇转化率和乙二醇单乙醚选择性的影响。
- Space time is a hopper, otherwise a perfectly good person and thing can disappear completely and you can't find it with your whole power. 时空是一个漏斗,不然一个好端端的人和事物会消失得无影无踪,你怎么也找不着它。