- In the space time, my uncle enjoys woodcarving. 空闲的时候,我舅舅就以木雕为乐。
- You can take leisure at your space time by all means. 你当然可以悠闲的利用你的自由时间。
- Bergson has completed the conversion of the time theory view, that is to say, to understand space from the original time concept, insteadly, to understand time from the mechanic space concept. 柏格森完成了时间理论的视角转换:从本来意义上的时间概念来理解空间,而不是从机械的空间概念来理解时间。
- Is this fixed time concept a right way to analyze the market activities? 固定单位时间用日常生活中所使用的固定时间单位去分析市场价格活动是正确的观念?
- At last we use the same concept to construct a multilevel trellis coded modulation and space time coded modulation for noncoherent decoding based on QPSK and it can have a good error performance too. 最后,将多层次的概念建构以QPSk做调变,可适用非同调解码的篱栅编码调变与时空编码调变,一样可达到良好的错误效能。
- In contact with him, we find that they have no time concept, at the beginning we do not understand why? 在接触中,我们发现她们没有时间概念,开始时我们对此十分不解?
- The equation of the Law of Universal Gravitation is deduced on the basis of Einstein's Relativity with Newton's viewpoint of absolute space time. 摘要在爱因斯坦的相对论基础之上,借助牛顿绝对时空的观点,对牛顿万有引力定律进行了理论推导。
- The variations are an expression of postmodernist time concept, and are an artistic language for destructing time. 它们体现了后现代主义的时间观念,是一种解构时间艺术语言。
- Supersymmetric mechanics.Volume 2,Attractor mechanism and space time singularities /Stefano Bellucci (ed.). 日本物理学会讲演概要集.;第61巻;第1号(第61回年次大会);第3分册/日本物理学会[编]
- You seem to have space time to study CSP. Expect your all functional CSP rollout early. 现在有些时间看看您的程序了,看了2个简单的类,还没有比较全面的认识呢。
- Once had a vivid memory in the space flight near 12 day-long Trigg orostachys fimbriatus to the outer space time. 曾在太空飞行近12天的特里格瓦松对太空时光记忆犹新。
- "Qi-BHS" can be quantum and computerized to meet modern computer and space time. ‘气’是量子化的,可以数字化而符合计算机和航天时代。
- In a word, I was hardworking, honest, heartiness, and brave enough to face new challenges, I also have strong time concept, good habits and decent in my life. 做事踏实,诚实守信,热心待人,勇于挑战自我,时间观念强,有着良好的生活习惯和正派作风。
- For AEW radar, a new space time adaptive filter with recursive algorithm has been proposed. 针对预警机雷达信号 ,提出了一种递推式空时二维自适应处理方法。
- Music , reading, self-assessment has a strong sense of responsibility , time concept is strong, have altitude professional ethics , sincere fervency, have very strong affinity. 音乐、读书,自我评价责任心强,时间观念强,有高度敬业精神,真诚热情,有很强的亲和力。
- Effects of reaction temperature,loading of KOH and space time on selectivity of 2-ethoxyethanol were investigated. 考察了反应温度、KOH负载量及空时对乙醇转化率和乙二醇单乙醚选择性的影响。
- The Individual Value Was Recognited In Science Arranging Time Of Confucius, The Time That The Plant Grow Be Disobeyed Of Mencius, And The Time Concept Be Desalt Of Zhuang Zi. 孔子的科学安排人时间,孟子的不违农时,庄子的将时间观念淡化等,都体现了对个体自我价值的重视。
- Literary modernity is a conception in axiology as well as a time conception. 摘要文学现代性不仅是一种时间概念,也是一种价值论意义上的概念。
- Space time is a hopper, otherwise a perfectly good person and thing can disappear completely and you can't find it with your whole power. 时空是一个漏斗,不然一个好端端的人和事物会消失得无影无踪,你怎么也找不着它。
- Therefore, the special theory of relativity is logically inconsistent, and the relativistic space time view does not have any experimental evidence. 因此,狭义相对论在逻辑上是不自洽的,相对论性时空观没有实验证据。