- This mosaic of astronaut photographs, taken along a single International Space Station orbit track, depicts Lake Puma Yumco during the winter season. 该图由国际太空站一颗轨道卫星所摄,生动显示了冬季时纳木错湖的景象。
- Aboard a Lonely space station orbiting a mysterious planet, terrified crewmembers are experiencing a host of strange phenomena, including resurrected phantoms from their pasts. 但当基斯到达后,却发现要求他前来的组长吉巴已神秘自杀,而另外两位科学家的情绪则极度不稳定,并经常出现妄想症状,这一切,都似乎与神秘的索拉罗斯星球有关。
- U.S. space station; in orbit 1973-79. 美国的太空站;-在太空轨道运行。
- space station orbit 太空站轨道
- Reynif II Hosts the New Venice space station. 太空平台。新威尼斯城所在地。
- The next stage of space travel is a space station. 宇宙飞行的下一步是建立航天站。
- I've just made this model of the space station. 我刚才做了个太空站模型。
- The space station is a house in space. 太空站是太空中的房屋。
- International Space Station in near Earth orbit, NASA astronauts carried out space walks and lost a bolt and a watcher. 在国际空间站接近地球轨道的地方;NASA的宇航员完成了太空行走;迷失了一个螺钉和一个观测仪.
- They have built another space station. 他们又建了一个太空站。
- The probe closed with the space station. 探测器和太空站临近。
- Russia dumped Mir space station on Mar. ?俄罗斯于3月23日放弃和平号空间站。
- Welcome aboard, the International space station. 欢迎来到外太空,这里是国际空间站。
- The International Space Station is a bit roomier. 国际空间站的面积扩大了。
- Hosts the New Venice space station. 太空平台.;新威尼斯城所在地
- An ATV gets put into orbit by Ariane. It's in a circuit or orbit, but it has to find its way to the space station. ATV将由阿丽亚娜火箭送入轨道。其运行轨迹是环形或沿轨道运行,但其必须自行到达空间站。
- NASA should stop travelling to the International Space Station in particular and to “low Earth orbit” in general. 国家宇航局尤其要停止飞往国际太空站,一般的“近地轨道”飞行也要停止。
- Shortly before the uninhabited space station reached orbit in .May 1973,aeroaynamic pressure ripped off a meteoroid and heat shield. 在1973年5月无人空间站到达轨道前不久,空气动力压力扯破了一个流星体和挡热板。
- Launched by a multi-stage Ares 5 rocket, the spacecraft will go into orbit around the Earth before docking with the International Space Station. 该飞船将由多级“阿瑞斯-5”号(阿瑞斯,希腊神话中的战神)发射,在和国际空间站对接之前进入围绕地球旋转的轨道。
- Could the International Space Station (ISS) serve as a repair hangar for satellites or a way station for craft headed beyond its orbit? 国际太空站能够扮演人造卫星维修房或中继站的角色吗?