- China is not the only emerging space power in Asia. 中国不是亚洲地区唯一崭露头角的空间力量。
- A Pentagon report last May referred to China's“ rapid and relatively smooth rise as an emerging space power”. 去年5月五角大楼一份报告指出,中国正“快速而且比较顺利地崛起为一支太空新军”。
- A developing Asian nation has become a space power and joined the elite club of nations that have sent man into space. 一个亚洲的发展中国家向世界展示了太空力量的崛起,世界尖端技术的势力图呈现了不同的画面。
- Ltd, and Shanghai Institute of Space Power Sources (SISP) with total capital of one hundred million. 主要从事地面太阳电池及光伏发电系统相关产品的研制、开发、生产、销售、施工和服务。
- If all development are smooth, in the future will fly to Mars, to fly to the planetoid on the river boat, will present each space power representative. 如果一切发展顺利,未来飞往火星、飞往小行星的航船上,将出现各个航天大国的代表。
- And if China becomes the most important space power after the U.S., an entirely new “space race” may be in the offing. 如果中国真成为仅次于美国的太空强权,一个全新的太空竞争也许已经不远。
- I have the strong drawing foundation and altitude color connoisseurship ability as well as the very strong design creativity and the space power of thought. 有较强绘画基础,高度的色彩鉴赏能力以及很强的设计创意和空间思维能力。能与设计伙伴积极配合,有很好的团队意识,和认真负责的工作态度。
- China launched its second manned space mission, sending two astronauts into orbit as it opened a new chapter in its ambitious drive to become a global space power. 中国刚刚进行了第二次载人飞船发射,将两名宇航员送入轨道,揭开了其充满雄心跨入世界空间强国行列的新篇章。
- In this paper space power, and operations supported by space information, and operational missions of space power, and capability of space power are analyzed. 对空间力量与空间信息支援作战、空间力量的作战任务、空间力量的信息支援能力等问题进行了定性分析。
- The College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education advances theory and application of air and space power through professional continuing education, research and wargaming. 学院航空航天学说,研究和教育的进步,理论与应用的空中和空间力量,通过专业继续教育,研究和wargaming 。
- Next year it says it will launch its third manned spaceship into orbit around Earth.A Pentagon report last May referred to China's “rapid and relatively smooth rise as an emerging space power”. 去年5月五角大楼一份报告指出,中国正“快速而且比较顺利地崛起为一支太空新军”。
- The tech is beyond what anyone else has managed with an unmanned ship. That includes the traditional space powers America and Russia. 其科技远远领先于前人对于无人飞船的掌握。这包括传统空间大国美国和俄罗斯。
- The space powers can use all sorts of levers to bring such recalcitrants round, from access to technology to moral pressure. 航天大国可以动用各种手段来对付那些冥顽之辈,包括技术封锁和道义施压,迫其就范。
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。
- The United States led criticism of the test, which also triggered concern in Japan and India, Asia's two other main space powers, which have often had tense relations with China. 美国带头批评这次试验,此外还引发了亚洲另外两个太空主要大国日本和印度的担心,这两个国家跟中国的关系经常很紧张。
- There is plenty of space here to move about. 这里有很大的活动空间。
- We're a bit cramped for space in this attic. 在这间阁楼里我们有点活动不开。
- There isn't much space left for your luggage. 剩下的地方不太够你放行李的。
- Space Power and National Security 空间力量与国家安全
- It's easier for small car to find a parking space. 小型汽车比较容易找到停车空地。