- Manned the first airships are "east" space craft 1 in the world. 世界上第一艘载人飞船是“东方”1号宇宙飞船。
- "Anti-irradiation Cover Glass for Astrospace" is a protection material for silicon solar battery on Space Craft. 空间用抗辐照玻璃盖片是一种用于太空飞行器上硅太阳能电池表面的防护材料。
- In Future, World fulls of danger. Luckily you armed with space craft to wipe out enemies. 未来;世界充满了危险.;你驾驶宇宙飞船去扫灭敌人,为了自己的生存!
- Then, on the space craft, distance of one agnogenio in 12 minitype booster rockets is on fire. 接着,宇宙飞船上12只小型助推火箭中的一只原因不明地起火。
- The aim of the game is focused around flying a small space craft around the map, shooting at anything on screen. 游戏的目的是看准周围在地图上飞行的小型飞行器,射击屏幕上出现的任何东西。
- Dark Age knights comandeer a space craft and conquer the galaxy,converting aliens to Christianity along the way. 黑暗时代的骑士驾驶一艘宇宙飞船征服银河,一路上将外星人教化成基督徒。
- The High Crusade. Poul Anderson. Dark Age knights comandeer a space craft and conquer the galaxy, converting aliens to Christianity along the way. 黑暗时代的骑士驾驶一艘宇宙飞船征服银河,一路上将外星人教化成基督徒。
- An image taken by the Cassini space craft on July 3,2004 and received on Earth on the same day shows the planet Saturn casting a shadow over its rings. 在这张“卡西尼”号飞船7月3日拍摄并于当天传回地球的照片上,土星在它自身光环上投下了一块阴影。
- These humans had come to Earth on space craft and were incubating children to assist in restoring the life upon their own galaxy. 这些人类坐飞船来到地球并繁衍后代去帮助修复他们自己星系的生命。
- The High Crusade. Poul Anderson. Dark Age knights comandeer a space craft and conquer the galaxy,converting aliens to Christianity along the way. 黑暗时代的骑士驾驶一艘宇宙飞船征服银河,一路上将外星人教化成基督徒。
- The research of methods of detecting losse particles inside the relays has an unequivocal engineering background in space craft. 航天继电器多余物自动检测方法和研究有着明确的工程应用背景。
- Upon other dimensions of life humans traveled in space craft to mine and deforest Terra for the gain upon their planet of origin. 在其它维度时的生命中,各种人类为了获得对自身母星的好处而驾飞船前来Terra采矿并砍伐森林。
- It reduces would use one of several dependable military rockets to lauch launch a smalloneman's space craft, one-man spacecraft. 这个项目就是用很多个可靠的军用火箭中的一枚来发射一艘小型的单人宇宙飞船。
- All space craft re-entering the atmosphere get covered in space debris and gases which affect communications between the spacecraft and the ground control center. 所有返航的飞船在进入大气层时,会被宇宙残骸和气体所包围,从而影响了与地面中心的联络。
- The outcome is the light show over the poles and sometimes the undesirable disruption of electrical power system and telecommunication on Earth and space craft in orbit. 结果就是在两极造成了极光,并且有时会非正常中断和地球和轨道飞行器的电力系统和通讯系统。
- Gray and Reptilian DNA have been added to the gene pool through the interbreeding of their species and the human species upon space craft going back up to 10,000 years in history. 灰人与爬虫军DNA加入到人类基因池,这追溯到10000年前其物种与人类物种在飞船中的杂交之时。
- Reentering the earth's atmosphere at these enormous speeds results in violent collision of air molecules with the heat shield of the space craft which heats up several thousands of degrees and burns away partially. 重新以这种巨大的速度进入地球大气层,引起空气的分子与宇宙飞船上的隔热板相撞从而使隔热板热到几千度并部分烧毁。
- This had a hovercraft like engine and also worked on the magnetic energy fields like the space crafts. 它有一个象水翼船一样的引擎,工作原理与飞行器一样,也是利用磁能场。
- Ancient astronauts have been described as bi-pedal entities often with beaks or wings, or reptilian looking, gray aliens, ethereal, or humanoid coming and going in space craft of some kind or moving in and out of our dimension. 古代太空人被描绘成一种两足动物的实体,经常带有喙(鸟嘴)或者翼,或者像爬虫类的样子,灰色的外星人,天上的人,或者有人的特点的生物在某些宇宙飞船来回走动,在我们的维度上进出。
- It was during the first destructive cycle of thought-form that another group of larger headed humans arrived from other electrical and non-resonant magnetic creations upon space craft. 正是在思想形态的第一次破坏周期中,另一群大头颅人类乘坐飞船从其它电性及非共振磁性的造物来到地球。