- Daylily Spa Resort Hangzhou takes great care to select the best people for every part of its operation. 同时还聘请了具有丰富管理经验的人员管理度假村的日常营运。
- Garden spa resorts such as tulip varieties that such investment has the advantage of low-threshold, repurchase short. 如郁金香花园温泉度假村就是这种投资品种,其优势是门槛低,回购时间短。
- Many people rushed to a spa resort in Hakone about 100km west of Tokyo, Japan, recently. 一年一度的情人节即将到来,为庆祝这个节日,日本东京以西100公里的箱根推出了特别的巧克力温泉浴,深受欢迎。
- Sunrise of at least 94 cubic meters of water, up to 1979 cubic meters have been completed and tilapia breeding farms and spa resorts. 日出水量最少的94立方米,最多的1979立方米,已建成罗非鱼良种场和温泉度假村。
- A spa resort in Hakone Kowakien Yunessun offered a "soy milk spa" service on October 12 in honor of Japan's "Soy Milk Festival". 10月12日是日本的"豆奶节",位于本州箱根小涌园的一家温泉度假村为此特别推出"豆奶温泉"。工作人员在池中加入新鲜豆奶和大豆胶原蛋白,使温泉具有润滑和美白肌肤的功效。
- Visitors dab chocolate syrup on their face sata“chocolate spa”at the Hakone Yunessun spa resort in Hakone town, on Feburary 8,2009. 2月8日,游客们在日本著名的温泉圣地箱根享受“巧克力温泉”。
- Daylily Spa Resort Hangzhou features the superb design skills of the Hashimoto Yukio Design Studio from Japan, and was constructed by very experienced contractors. 度假村由日本著名设计师精心设计,并由拥有丰富经验的建筑公司承建。
- A girltastes the water in a bath incorporating chocolate at a hot spring spa resort in Hakone,. Moisture in the skin and producing beautifulskin, the resort said. 日前,日本温泉胜地箱根推出巧克力温泉浴。
- Many people rushed to a spa resort in Hakone about 100km west of Tokyo, Japan, recently.The resort offers a special “chocolate spa” to celebrate the upcoming Valentine's Day. 一年一度的情人节即将到来,为庆祝这个节日,日本东京以西100公里的箱根推出了特别的巧克力温泉浴,深受欢迎。
- This masterplan for a 600-acre site on the Caribbean isle of Nevis comprises two distinct elements: a luxurious spa resort and a range of deluxe private residences. 尼维斯岛上的加勒比海岛的600英亩场地的总体规划设计包括两个区分明显的部分:一个奢华的疗养休养所,一排豪华的私人居住住宅。
- Zhuhai Royal Spa Resort Spa Resort is set, leisure, entertainment and health as one of the four-star resort is also China's first open-air hot spring, AAAA-level green hotel. 珠海御温泉渡假村是集温泉渡假、休闲、养生和娱乐为一体的四星级渡假村,也是我国第一家露天温泉,AAAA级绿色酒店。
- Daylily Spa Resort Hangzhou features the superb design skills of the Hashimoto Yukio Design Studio from Japan, and was constructed by very experienced contractors. 度假村由日本著名设计师精心设计,并由拥有丰富经验的建筑公司承建。
- Daylily Spa Resort Hangzhou, which opens early2006, is a boutique-style complex situated in a very picturesque, garden-style setting just southwest of West Lake at the intersection of Bapanling and Santaishan Roads. 杭州紫萱度假村是按五星级标准投资兴建的,它位于风景秀丽的西湖西面三台山路与八盘岭路的交汇处,度假村计划于2006年初开业。
- We will carry out a series of studies to formulate a strategy for future tourism development. The studies will cover the potential for developing projects such as spa resort facilities. 我们会进行一系列研究,以制订旅游业的未来发展策略,研究范围包括水疗度假村等项目的发展潜力。
- Beautiful Spring Spa Resort Hotel, Sanya 三亚美丽春天度假酒店
- The resort offers recreation by wholesale. 这个浏览区大规模地为人们提供消遣娱乐。
- In the last resort we can always walk home. 大不了我们走回家就是了。
- You should have resorts to your parents. 你应该求助于你的父母。
- This place has become a famous summer resort. 这个地方已成为一个避暑胜地。