- She wanted to sow discord between us. 她想在我们中间搬弄是非。
- I shall endeavour to accommodate you whenever possible. 只要有可能,我将尽力帮你。
- Spadger: Love idle character broken language, like to sow discord. 麻雀:爱闲言碎语,喜欢搬弄是非。
- Puffed up in self-conceit, he may also devise evil and sow discord. 由于被自大冲昏头脑,他甚至想出邪恶的计谋和撒下纷争的种子。
- Act as overwatch whenever possible. 有机会就要多观测。
- We try to help whenever possible. 只要有可能我们都尽量帮忙。
- Whenever possible, use a control structure instead. 应该尽可能使用控制结构。
- Strap your box whenever possible. 尽量将箱子捆扎好。
- Choose fresh vegetables whenever possible. 应尽量选择新鲜的蔬菜。
- Take shelter in a building whenever possible. 在可能情况下,躲入建筑物内。
- Buy fresh food whenever possible. 尽量购买新鲜食物。
- Use secure endpoint defaults whenever possible. 尽可能使用安全端点默认值。
- Use the active voice whenever possible. 尽可能使用主动语态。
- I will be using this vest whenever possible. 我将利用这一背心只要有可能。
- Fertilize before a rain whenever possible. 如有可能,在下雨之前施肥。
- Trail use is recommended whenever possible. 在任何可能时候,都推荐使用小路。
- We should stop using beryllium whenever possible. 我们只要可能,就应该停止用铍。
- Type EIGHTs will take the lead whenever possible. 爱出风头,喜欢站在人前。
- He sowed discord between you and me. 他挑拨我们两人之间的关系。
- All orders by post will receive our best attention and, whenever possible, will be executed on the day of receipt. 凡是来函订货,我们定当提供完美服务,如有可能,在收信当日即发货。