- Say you want to check out the sales results from the Southwest region. 比方说,你要检查一下西南地区的销售结果。
- There are about 150 genera, and 1000 specie, distributing among the south, southeast and southwest regions where are damp and warm. 我国约产150余属1000余种,多分布于温暖潮湿的华南、东南和西南地区。
- The horned lizard is a seemingly normal looking lizard found in the southwest region of the United States. 美国西南部的这种有角蜥蜴表面上与普通蜥蜴无异。
- With our quality and cheap glasses, opened up the southwest region of spectacles market. 我们的眼镜凭着质优价廉,开拓了西南地区的眼镜市场。
- Weak cemented fine quicksand layer deposited at the Tertiary Period and Jurassic Period is widely distributed in China's northeast and southwest regions. 第三纪和晚侏罗纪时期沉积的弱胶结粉细砂层在我国东北、南地区有广泛的分布。
- The Aka Pygmies are currently living in the southwest region of the Central African Republic number approximately 5000 individuals. 大约有5000多阿卡俾格米人居住在中非共和国的西南地区。
- In the 20 years, the matter of gate dam construction on deep and thick overburden ofter appears, especially in the southwest regions with rich hydro-energy resources . 近20余年来,常常遇到在河谷中深厚覆盖层上修建闸坝的问题,尤其在我国水能资源丰富的西南地区,这个问题格外突出。
- Abstract:In China, Theravada Buddhism mainly spread in some ethnic nationalities such us Dai, Blan, Dean, Wa, Achang in the southwest region of Yunnan province. 近几十年来,傣族佛寺中出现了不少学有专长的中青年高级僧侣,其中许多人还被送往东南亚国家进修学习,他们对于佛教梵呗经腔曲调的唱诵往往有较高造诣。
- It is understood that CITIC Futures Organization voted to build the Southwest region of steel production, trade, consumption and other enterprises will take part in promotion. 据了解,中信建投期货组织了西南地区的钢材生产、贸易、消费等企业参加推介会。
- Liu J P,Zhang X Q,Chen Y X.Study about stolon characteristic of Hemarthria compressa in southwest region[J].Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences,2005,33(5):796-798. [6]刘金平;张新全;陈永霞.;西南区扁穗牛鞭草野生资源匍匐性研究[J]
- The post-road assembles of the southwest Silk Road located in the present three provinces of southwest regions, were the floorboard of all acrostic official posts in the past dynasties. 西南丝绸之路的驿道聚落,即位于西南三省的(按现行政区划川、滇、黔三省),在历朝历代中曾做过官方驿站的所有乡土聚落的总称。
- Chongqing is one of China's municipalities directly under the Central Government. It is also an important city and center of the southwest region and the upper areas along the Yangtze River. 重庆市是我国直辖市之一,是西南地区和长江上游重要的中心城市。
- This paper presents a systematic study on morphology, geochemistry and geochronology of a zircon population from the Danzhu granodiorite located in the southwest region of the Zhejiang province. 本文对浙西南地区淡竹花岗闪长岩中的锆石群进行了形态学、地球化学和年代学的系统研究。
- Radiation southwest regional operations, we in good faith, the principles of pragmatism, hope and cooperation in various sectors. 经营区域辐射西南,我们本着诚信、务实的原则,希望与各界人士合作。
- The Argan Tree , a Tree of lifeis an endemic,legendary tree which only grows in the southwestern region ofMorocco. 摩洛哥坚果树 ,生命之树是一种只在摩洛哥西南部生长的、神奇的地方性树种。
- Wales is in the southwest of the British Island. 威尔士在大不列颠岛的西南部。
- The southwestern region of China is one of the places where ethnic minorities live. 我国的大西南是少数民族的聚集区之一。
- The Chinese were snatched on Oct 18 while traveling near an oil field in the southwestern region of Kordofan. 这些中国工人10月18日在科尔多凡西南地区的一个石油工地附近被绑架。
- southwest regions inhabited by ethnic groups 西南民族地区
- This river flowed southwest to the Atlantic Ocean. 这条河流向西南,汇入大西洋。