- The Geochenical Characteristics of the Middle Jurassic Source Rocks in Southern Qiangtang Basin 南羌塘坳陷中侏罗统烃源岩地球化学特征及油源研究
- Keywords Zaring;dolostone;reservoirs;southern Qiangtang Basin;Qinghai-Xizang Plateau; 扎仁;白云岩;储层;南羌塘盆地;青藏;
- southern Qiangtang basin 南羌塘盆地
- Chalangla area in Qiangtang basin in northern Tibet lies in the south slope of the Tanggula Mountains, and the southern depression of Qiangtang basin. Its exposure strata are Mesozoic and Cenozoic, in which there is no Palaeozoic. 羌塘盆地查郎拉地区位于唐古拉山南坡 ,大地构造位置处在羌塘盆地羌南坳陷 ,出露地层为中生界及新生界 ,缺失古生界地层。
- The Petroleum Geology Conditions of Qiangtang Basin: Favourable or not? 羌塘盆地的油气地质条件有利还是不利?
- Systematic study of the Mesozoic source rocks in the Qiangtang Basin. 系统地整理、分析、研究了羌塘盆地中生界烃源岩的特征。
- Three formation-scale lithostratigraphic units are established in southern Qiangtang. 南羌塘新建3个组级岩石地层单位。
- This reflects that "the central uplift" in the Qiangtang basin is developed not only area of Shuanghu but also in the east of Chawola district. 反映了南、北羌塘盆地之间的中央隆起带不仅在双湖一带发育,而且在查吾拉区以东地区同样也发育。
- Qiangtang Basin is a large residual basin in the Tethys tectonic region formed in late-Paleozoic-Mesozoic. 西藏羌塘盆地是特提斯构造域巨型油气富集带中一个大型晚古生代-中生代海相残留盆地。
- The deep magnetic field characteristics in Qiangtang basin and Cuoqin basin of Qinghai-Ti-bet plateau is presented and analyzed by means of viewpoint of buried aulacogen. 介绍了青藏高原羌塘盆地和措勤盆地的深部磁场特征,用隐伏裂陷槽的观点分析了这些特征。
- The situation is improved by deformation which creates the fissures ,increases the permeability and improves the reserior capacity of sandstone in Qiangtang basin. 构造作用使得岩石中裂隙发育,提高了岩石孔渗性,极大地改善了岩石的储集性能,在有利部位可以形成较好的储层。
- The Qiangtang Basin in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is interpreted as a reworked basin which has undergone multiple phases of tectonic reworking. 位于青藏高原腹地的羌塘盆地是经历了多期构造改造的改造型盆地。
- Till to the Late Triassic, except the west part of the Center Uplift, the Qiangtang Basin was covered with water owing to the spreading of Bangonghu-Nujiang Ocean. 至晚三叠世,受班公湖-怒江洋扩张作用的影响,除中央隆起带西段继续遭受剥蚀外,羌塘盆地普遍接受沈积。
- According to the sedimentological evidences the paper believes that Qiangtang Basin was a continental marginal basin during middle Jurassic time and was at an extensional architectonic setting. 论文用沉积学证据论证了羌塘盆地中侏罗世时期的盆地性质为陆缘盆地,存在于伸展性的大地构造背景。
- It is the one of the most important source rocks for the Buqu marine carbonate rocks in North Qiangtang Basin,but some issues about oil and gas geochemistry are not clear because the lowly research. 北羌塘盆地发育的布曲组海相碳酸盐岩是重要的烃源岩之一,但是由于研究程度低,一些油气地球化学问题尚不清楚。
- In fact, the Qiangtang Basin is highly prospective in oil and gas, hut hardly exploratory because of complicated geological structures and later modifications in the central Asian Tethys. 从亚洲特提斯域油气聚集地质转征分析,羌塘盆地油气远景毋庸质疑,只是因位于中带地质构造与改造十分复杂,油气远景虽好,但勘探难度相对较大。
- After dolomites of Qiangtang Basin and Cuoqin Basin in Qingzang Plateau are observed and described in the field, vertical and horizontal distribution rules of dolomite in the study area are reduced. 通过对青藏高原羌塘盆地和措勤盆地的白云岩进行野外观察与描述,提出了研究区白云岩的纵、横向分布规律,总结了白云岩的岩石学特征。
- The Qiangtang basin is one large Paleozoic-Cenozoic basin besides the Tarim, Qaidam and Junggar basins in western China. 摘要羌塘盆地是中国西部除塔里木、柴达木、准噶尔盆地外,又一大型古生代-中新生代盆地。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。