- south atlantic high 南大误高压,南大误反气旋
- Cook laid down clearly the island groups of the South Atlantic. 库克清楚地标明南大西洋的一些群岛。
- Napoleon I was exiled to island of St Helena in the South Atlantic. 拿破仑一世被流放到南大西洋的圣赫勒拿岛。
- The MOD is always early when SSTA of South Atlantic is positive or negative. 当南大西洋区域的海温为正或负异常时,江淮流域的入梅均偏早。
- In the South Atlantic a weird little war palely recalled Britain's glory days. 在南部大西洋上一场奇怪的小小的战争使人依稀记起帝国辉煌的过去。
- The Indian Low and Pacific High is enhanced,with the Atlantic High being slightly enhanced in the past 100 years . 近百年来 ,印度低压与太平洋高压已明显地加强了 ,大西洋高压也有所加强。
- For a time the enemy's activity was dispersed over the remote wastes of the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. 有一个时期,敌人的活动分布在南大西洋遥远的荒地和印度洋的海面。
- He was later exiled to the island of Saint Helena in the south Atlantic ocean, and died there on May 5, 1821. 其后,拿破仑被放逐到南太平洋的圣赫勒拿岛,并于1821年5月5日逝于该岛。
- The documents were written while he was in exile on the South Atlantic island of St Helena, where he died in 1821. 这些手稿是拿破仑被流放到大西洋南部的圣赫勒那岛时留下的,1821年,拿破仑死于岛上。
- Roy-Henry points to a series of anomalies surrounding Napoleon's death on the South Atlantic island of St. Helena in 1821, and the transfer of his remains to Paris 19 years later. 亨利指的是当初围绕拿破仑之死的种种反常的事情:拿破仑1821年在南大西洋圣赫勒那岛上溘去,可是他的遗体19年之后才被运回巴黎。
- Britain has lodged a claim to a large swath of South Atlantic seabed around the Falkland Islands, Reuters reported. 路透社报导英国要求接近福克兰群岛的南大西洋海底大区块的主权。
- Napoleon died aged 52 on St Helena in the south Atlantic where he had been banished after his defeat at Waterloo. 滑铁卢战役惨败后,拿破仑被流放到大西洋南部的圣赫勒拿岛上,后逝世于此,享年52岁。
- The second largest continent,located south of Europe and bordered to the west by the South Atlantic and to the east by the India Ocean. 世界第二大洲,位于欧洲南边与南大西洋西部和印度洋东部边界相接。
- The South Atlantic Convergence Zone: Intensity, Form, Persistence, and Relationships with Intraseasonal to Interannual Activity and Extreme Rainfall. 南大西洋对流带:强度,形成,持续性及其与从季节到年际活动和极端降水的关系。
- The long enmity between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland, or Malvinas, Islands in the south Atlantic has taken a new twist. 路透社报导英国要求接近福克兰群岛的南大西洋海底大区块的主权。
- The first eigenvector of the base state displays a weak Siberian high, a robust Atlantic high and intense zonal circulation, while the second reveals a feeble Aleutian low and a vigorous North Pacific high. 基本态的第一特征向量表现为弱西伯利亚高压、强北大西洋高压的强纬向环流的特征; 第二特征向量表现为弱阿留申低压及强北太平洋高压。
- Roy-Henry points to a series of anomalies surrounding Napoleon's death on the South Atlantic island of St. Helena in 1821,and the transfer of his remains to Paris 19 years later. 亨利指的是当初围绕拿破仑之死的种种反常的事情:拿破仑1821年在南大西洋圣赫勒那岛上溘去,可是他的遗体19年之后才被运回巴黎。
- It is believed to have been extracted during Napoleon's exile to the South Atlantic British island of St Helena, following his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in1815. 一般认为,这颗牙是拿破仑1815年滑铁卢之役战败后,被放逐到南大西洋英属圣赫勒纳岛期间被拔下。
- It is believed to have been extracted during Napoleon's exile to the South Atlantic British island of St Helena, following his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. 一般认为,这颗牙是拿破仑1815年滑铁卢之役战败后,被放逐到南大西洋英属圣赫勒纳岛期间被拔下。
- Three months later, they travel long distances in the South Atlantic to feed for the remainder of the year on krill and on other crustaceans named copepods. 三个月后,牠们会在南大西洋长距离地移动,在剩下不到一年的时间里以磷虾及其他桡脚类甲壳动物为食。