- You can set the cursor location in a source window. 可以在源窗口中设置光标位置。
- The Source window popup menu is displayed. 源代码窗口将显示一个弹出式菜单。
- You do not type a breakpoint statement into a source window. 您不必在源代码窗口中键入断点语句。
- The current statement is marked by a yellow background in the source window. 当前语句在源窗口中以黄色背景标记。
- Until the code updates, the source window shows the original code in gray. 代码更新之前,源窗口一直以灰色显示原始代码。
- In a source window or Disassembly window, click on the breakpoint glyph. 在源窗口或“反汇编”窗口中,单击断点标志符号。
- Click Add New Data Source in the Data Sources window. 在“数据源”窗口中单击“添加新数据源”。
- To edit a message handler, double-click the message in Class View and edit the code in the source window. 若要编辑消息处理程序,请在“类视图”中双击消息并在源窗口中编辑代码。
- In a source window, Disassembly window, or Call Stack window, a breakpoint appears as a red symbol or glyph. 在源窗口、“反汇编”窗口或“调用堆栈”窗口中,断点显示为一个红色符号或标志符号。
- In a source window, click on a line of executable code where you want to set a breakpoint. 在源窗口中,单击要设置断点的那行可执行代码。
- In a source window, place the mouse pointer over any variable in the current scope. 在源窗口中,将鼠标指针置于当前范围内的任何变量上。
- In a source window, you might have to right-click the exact character where the breakpoint is set. 在源窗口中,您可能必须右击断点被设置到的确切字符。
- While in break mode, right-click on a variable name in the source window name and choose QuickWatch from the shortcut menu. 在中断模式中时,右击源窗口中的变量名,然后从快捷菜单中选择“快速监视”。
- If you know the location of an attribute in a source window, you can use the shortcut menu to find the injected code in the Disassembly window. 如果知道属性在源窗口中的位置,则可以使用快捷菜单在“反汇编”窗口中查找插入的代码。
- In the Data Sources window, expand the master table to expose the detail table. 在“数据源”窗口中,展开该主表以公开详细信息表。
- Enter the regular expression you want the Data Sources window to use. 输入“数据源”窗口要使用的正则表达式。
- Drag the desired item from the Data Sources window onto an existing control. 将需要的项从“数据源”窗口拖动到现有控件上。
- Drag the main Customers node from the Data Sources window onto Form1. 将主“Customers”节点从“数据源”窗口拖到“Form1”上。
- Drag the main Customers node from the Data Sources window onto the form. 将主“Customers”节点从“数据源”窗口拖到窗体上。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。