- Firstly, dynamic source routing (DSR) is modified to support the QoS requirement. 首先,改进了DSR 动态源路由协议使其支持QoS 要求。
- MSR(Multi-path Source Routing) is a routing protocol used in wireless Ad hoc networks, which is based on DSR. MSR协议是一种基于DSR协议的无线Adhoc网络路由协议。
- DSR(Dynamic Source Routing) protocol is a representative of on-demand Ad Hoc routing protocols. 动态源路由(DSR,Dynamic Source Routing)协议是典型的按需Ad Hoc路由协议。
- In this case we have used Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad hoc On-Demand Vector (AODV) and several protocols other. 本文介绍和分析了Dynamic Source Routing(DSR),Ad hoe On-Demand Vector(AODV)及其它协议。
- Does IWDRIVER discover source routes with XID's ? IWDRIVER 是否会发现带有 XID 的源路由?
- Dynamic Source Routing protocol(DSR),which operates entirely on-demand has been an Internet-Draft of IETF. DSR协议作为一种简洁有效的按需机制路由协议 ,成为IETF的MANET工作组提出的草案之一。
- On the other hand, the analysis in width dimension is through comparing with DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) protocol. 纵向分析结论表明:数据源的发送频率对路由协议性能影响最大。
- Routing group A is added to the set of routing groups for which the shortest paths from the source routing group have been determined. 路由组A被添加到已确定到源路由组的最短路径的路由组集合中。
- The routing engine sorts the remaining routing groups according to the current best estimate of their distance from the source routing group. 路由引擎依据与源路由组的距离的当前最佳估计值对余下的路由组进行排序。
- The first set includes all groups for which the shortest path from the source routing group has already been determined. 第一个集合包含到源路由组的最短路径已被确定的所有组。
- Source routing group %1 is the local routing group for a connector with connected routing groups %2 in routing tables with timestamp %3. 在时间戳为%253的路由表中,已连接路由组为%252的连接器的源路由组%251是本地路由组。
- At first, the set of routing groups for which the shortest paths from the source routing group have already been determined is empty. 起初,到源路由组的最短路径已被确定的路由组集合是空的。
- In heavy-load situations, BSR is much better thanMultipath Source Routing (MSR), another multipah routing protocol in wireless adhoc networks. 2)在重载情况下,BSR 的性能明显优于另一种多径协议-多径源路由(MSR)协议。
- Among wireless ad hoc routing protocols, one named Dynamic Source Routing(DSR) proposed by Carnegie Mellon University is a representative protocol. 在众多无线Ad hoc网络路由协议中,动态源路由DSR(Dynamic SourceRouting)协议是其中具有代表性的。
- Therefore, paths in the routing topology that allow a message to return to the source routing group are illegal transfer paths and are not included in the calculation. 因此,路由拓扑中允许邮件返回源路由组的路径是非法传输路径,在计算时不包括这些路径。
- This greatly reduces the computation overheads. Security Association Routing Protocol (SARP) can be applied as an extension of DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) in a natural way. 基于安全关联的安全路由协议SARP(Security Association Routing Protocol)可以方便地在DSR(Dynamic Source Routing)路由协议上扩展,它要求需要进行安全通信的两个节点之间存在一个安全关联。
- In order to make full use of the resources in mobile Ad hoc networks and reduce end to end time delay,a multi-path source routing algorithm based on queue length is proposed. 为了充分利用Ad Hoc网络资源,降低拥塞程度,提出了一种基于队列长度的多径源路由算法。
- Among the numerous routing protocols of the wireless Ad hoc networks, thedynamic source routing (DSR) protocol proposed by Carnegie Mellon University is arepresentative one. 在众多的无线Ad hoc网络路由协议中,由卡耐基梅隆大学提出的动态源路由(DSR,Dynamic Source Routing)协议非常具有代表性。
- A Performance- Dynamic Source Routing protocol (PDSR) is proposed in this paper, which uses link state information and node state information to improve on the performance of DSR. 本文利用链路和节点发送缓存的状态信息对DSR协议进行优化和改进,提出了一种Performance-DSR(PDSR)协议。