- sound ranging instrument 声测仪器
- Sub-Aqueous Sound Ranging Development Installation 水声测距发展研究装置
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- It could fully displays the function of human voice by helping the singers widen register, standardize the section of the sound range, and enunciate the words clearly to make the voice penetrating and more impressive. 摘要混声唱法能够充分展现人体声音机能,使歌唱者扩大音域,统一音区,吐字清楚,使声音具有穿透力,更富表现力。
- Airborne Electronic Ranging Instrumentation System 机载电子测距仪表系统
- Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt. 第一声警报一响我们就迅速卧倒。
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- Sonar is an acronym for sound navigation ranging. “sonar”(声纳)是“sound navigation and ranging”(声音导航和测距)的首字母缩写词。
- I caught a curious sound in the neighboring room. 我听到隔壁房间里有奇怪的响声。
- I was awakened by the sound of church bells. 我被教堂的钟声吵醒。
- Compact All-Purpose Range Instrument 小型多用途靶场仪器
- The sound of danger gives wings to his flight. 危险的信号加速了他的逃跑。
- Advanced Range Instrument Radar System 高级测距仪表雷达系统
- I quivered with fear at the sound. 我听见那种声音就吓得发抖。
- Her mouth open and shut, but no sound come out. 她的嘴张开又闭上了,没有发出声音。
- I have got accustomed to noisy sound. 我已习惯于嘈杂声音。
- The bell gave forth a peasant, lingering sound. 钟奏起了悠扬悦耳的曲调。
- He was a man with a sound constitution. 他是个体质强健的人。
- They have got home safe and sound. 他们已平安到家。
- I heard a faint sound in the distance. 我听到远处有个微弱的声音。