- Dragon is natural, Shek Mun, such as the rainbow arch, Lung sound of gurgling water, spunk-water Fuqin like. 龙门为天然石门,如虹拱起,龙门下水声潺潺,似仙水抚琴。
- They were borne along the side of a stream, and the sound of gurgling water, and the sight of the lush green trees all around them, gready revived them. 两乘竹轿沿山溪而行,溪水淙淙,草木清新,颇感心旷神怡,只是韦方二人一见大树长草,便栗栗危惧,唯恐有毒蛇窜将出来。
- Nearby, on the banks of the Huangshui, he saw the old man standing alone under the hot sun. When he went over to thank him he saw him using his spade to direct a ditch full of gurgling water into a small grove of poplars. 不远的湟水河滩上,他看见高老汉独自在烈日下站着,他走过去给老汉道谢时,看见一弯哗哗的渠水正被老汉用铁锹引导着,淌进一片小青杨林。
- I was awakened by the sound of church bells. 我被教堂的钟声吵醒。
- The sound of danger gives wings to his flight. 危险的信号加速了他的逃跑。
- The sound of the cheering faded away. 欢呼声在逐渐消失。
- She is enamoured of the sound of her own voice. 她陶醉于自己的嗓音。
- She is enamored of the sound of her own voice. 她陶醉于自己的嗓音。
- I was roused by the sound of the bell this morning. 今天早晨,我被铃声唤醒。
- She started at the sound of my voice. 她听到了我的声音,蓦地一惊。
- He wheeled round at the sound of his name. 他一听到自己的名字就迅速转过身去。
- We sat listening to the sound of the waves. 我们坐着倾听海浪的声音。
- The sound of that drill jangles horribly on the nerves. 那台钻机的声音响极了,十分刺耳。
- The crowd panicked at the sound of the explosion. 爆炸声一响,人群便惊慌起来。
- The sudden sound of footsteps in silence made her blood run cold. 静寂中突然响起脚步声使她感到毛骨悚然。
- I was awakened by the sound of screams. 我被阵阵尖叫声惊醒。
- The sound of revelry filled the house yesterday. 昨天这个屋子里充满了欢闹声。
- She started at the sound of a gun. 她听到枪声,吓了一跳。
- Gurgling water flowed from the irrigation ditch into the paddy fields. 渠水汩汩地流入稻田。