- 4. some sea anemones are biradial. 水螅;珊瑚虫;水母;海葵;珊瑚虫。收藏指正
- some sea anemones are biradial. 一些海葵是两辐对称的。
- Coral and sea anemones are in the same family of stinging invertebrates. 意译:珊瑚的图片集。珊瑚和海葵是相似的家庭的有刺的无脊椎动物。
- Coral and sea anemones are in the same family of stinging invertebrates. This close-up of a cavernous star coral shows the individual polyps, which resemble tiny sea anemones. 意译:珊瑚的图片集。珊瑚和海葵是相似的家庭刺一样的无脊椎动物。这幅特写的巨穴星珊瑚显示个别的珊瑚虫,类似的微小的海葵。
- Coelenterata are a group of small animals including sea anemones and corals. 腔肠类动物是一群小的动物,其中包括海葵和珊瑚虫。
- There you will find an entrance that is girdled with sea anemones. 那里你将会发现一个由海葵驻守的入口。
- Codium is the favourite food of some sea slugs. 松藻是一些海参的美食。
- Who can give me some sea reptile and pterodactyl's English name? 谁能给我一些海洋爬行动物和翼龙的英文名?
- Plankton that consists of animals,including the corals,rotifers,sea anemones,and jellyfish. 浮游动物由动物组成的浮游生物,包括珊瑚、轮虫、海葵和水母
- I especially loved the little orange and white anemonefish that hid in the poisonous tentacles of the sea anemones. 我特别喜欢那种小的桔白色的躲藏在海葵有毒的触角里的海葵鱼。
- Some sea animals accumulate elements like vanadium within their cells. 一些海洋动物在其细胞内积累像钒一类的元素。
- A sea anemone or a related animal. 海葵海葵或与之相近的动物
- There are some seas where fish swarm in millions and plankton blossoms in vast clouds. 陆也有四季之分,同样地海洋世界亦一样有。
- Plankton that consists of animals, including the corals, rotifers, sea anemones, and jellyfish. 浮游动物由动物组成的浮游生物,包括珊瑚、轮虫、海葵和水母
- For example, the clown fish that live in the coral, they need sea anemones to protect them from their enemies. 比如小丑鱼就要依靠珊瑚礁中的海葵来保护自己不被敌人吃掉。
- This Sea Anemone wishes for the human species. 这是海葵希望人类种族所得到的。
- Any of a class(Anthozoa)of marine organisms, such as the corals and sea anemones, that have radial segments and grow singly or in colonies. 珊瑚虫一种(珊瑚纲)海洋生物,如珊瑚和海葵,有辐射状体节,单独或在群落中生长
- Any of a class(Anthozoa) of marine organisms, such as the corals and sea anemones, that have radial segments and grow singly or in colonies. 珊瑚虫一种(珊瑚纲)海洋生物,如珊瑚和海葵,有辐射状体节,单独或在群落中生长
- Some of hollywood's leading studios are interested in signing her. 好莱坞的一些主要电影制片厂有意要和她签约。
- There are shrimp, crabs, sea anemones that look like Venus flytraps, as well as red octopuses, sea stars, fish, and more. 那里有虾、蟹和像维纳斯捕蝇草般的海葵,就像是红色的章鱼一样,海星、鱼还有很多很多的生物。