- somatosensory illusions 躯体感觉上的错觉
- I have never entertained any illusions about him. 我从来没有对他抱过幻想。
- We're left with few illusions about ourally. 我们的处境已不容我们对盟友再存多少幻想了。
- A man loses his illusions first, his teeth second, and his follies last. 人会首称丧失其幻想、继而失其牙齿、最后才失掉愚行。
- Nobody should have any illusions on that! (对台湾问题)任何人都不该存有幻想!
- Powerful 2D design, drafting and technical illus... 一款极强的图纸设计工具,易用性强。
- The somatosensory areaof the cerebral cortex. 大脑皮层的体觉区域。
- "Hmm ... maybe lotuses this year.?Illus. 之后将你的牌库洗牌。
- I have no illusions about my ability. 我知道自己能力有限。
- Because it's loaded with too many illusions. 因为承载了太多幻想。
- Chasing illusions that you're longing for. 追求你期待许久的幻影。
- Cast aside all illusions and go into the battle. 丢掉幻想,投入战斗。
- We're left with few illusions about our partners. 我们对自己的同伴已不存在什么幻想。
- You must not get illusions about it now. 你现在不能对此抱幻想。
- Leaders today should have no such illusions. 今天的领导人就不会有这种幻想了。
- I have no illusions about his ability. 我对他的能力不存幻想。
- The sun appears to go round the Earth, but it's an illu -sion. 太阳看起来好像绕着地球转, 但这只是个错觉。
- It causes no pain but an illu sion of unimaginable picture. 你感觉不到痛苦,只是看到一幅不可思议的幻影。
- Will they succeed? Many experts have no illusions. 他们会成功吗?许多专家都不抱幻想。
- I hava no illusions about his ability. 我对他的能力不存幻想。