- The world faces the choice between peaceful and non-peaceful means of solving disputes. 世界上一系列争端都面临着用和平方式来解决还是用非和平方式来解决的问题。
- A simple method for making a pie crust; mediation as a method of solving disputes. 做馅饼皮的简单方法;以和解作为解决争端的方法
- A simple method for making a pie crust;mediation as a method of solving disputes. 做馅饼皮的简单方法;以和解作为解决争端的方法
- In military affairs, this maxim means solving disputes by non-military means, being wary of war and strategically gaining mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck. 这种思想表现在军事上,就是主张用非军事手段来解决争端、慎重对待战争和战略上后发制人。
- Until today, mediation as a kind of important way solving disputes still plays an unique role in the folk and court. 直至今日,调解作为一种重要的纠纷解决方式,在民间和法院中仍发挥着其独特的作用。
- In military affairs,this maxim means solving disputes by non-military means,being wary of war and strategically gaining mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck. 这种思想表现在军事上,就是主张用非军事手段来解决争端、慎重对待战争和战略上后发制人。
- Driving this urge to merge is a growing sense that Chinas officials spend too much time solving disputes between arms of the bureaucracy and not enough solving major issues. 推动部委合并的动因在于,中央高层逐步认识到,中国官员用于解决部门间纠纷的时间过多,导致重大问题难以解决。
- This paper analyses how to incarnate the unconstraint principle of contracts in the concluding, effectiveness, rights of contracts and in solving disputes, etc. 对合同的订立、合同的效力、合同权利的行使及合同纠纷的解决等方面如何体现合同自愿原则进行了分析。
- The data provided by the examination agencies stipulated in this Article shall be taken as the criterion in solving disputes over whether certain products are up to the relevant standards. 处理有关产品是否符合标准的争议,以本条规定的检验机构的检验数据为准。
- The arbitrative system for competitive sports has been widely acknowledged by the international sports circles as the best mechanism for solving disputes arising from competitive sports. 摘要竟技体育仲裁制度是目前世界各国体育界所推崇的竞技体育纠纷的最佳解决机制。
- Compared arbitration with mediation , lawsuit and other mechanism about solving disputes, It has the following advantage: First, fairness . second, voluntary. Third, secrecy.Fourth, timeliness. 留学解答资讯网:仲裁与调解、诉讼等其他纠纷解决机制相比,具有以下优点:第一,公正性第二,自愿性。第三,保密性。第四,及时性。
- How to Solve Dispute of International BOT Contract? 如何解决国际BOT投资合同争议?
- Find a smart way to solve dispute,but not offense. 用一种明确的方法解决争议,不要冒犯。
- To timely transact and fulfil customer orders, work with sales/logistic/warehouse to solve disputes. 处理和完成客户订单,与销售/物流/仓库一起解决其间争议。
- To conduct dialogue,consultation and negotiation on an equal footing is the right way to solve disputes and safeguard peace. 在平等基础上的对话、协商和谈判,是解决争端、维护和平的正确途径。
- To conduct dialogue, consultation and negotiation on an equal footing is the right way to solve disputes and safeguard peace. 在平等基础上的对话、协商和谈判,是解决争端、维护和平的正确途径。
- mediation as a method of solving disputes. 以和解作为解决争端的方法
- Article 1 These Rules are specially formulated for the purpose of using mediation to solve disputes arising in commerce, admiralty or any other field. 第一条为了使用调解的方式解决产生于商事、海事等领域的争议,特制定本规则。
- Have another crack at solving this puzzle. 再试一试把这个难题解决了吧。
- The disputes was referred to the United Nations. 这项争议已提交联合国处理。