- solitary wave exact solution 精确孤波解
- In this paper,the exact solution of the following reaction-diffusing equation ut-auxx+b(u3+cu2+du)=0 are constructed by using a generalized homogeneous balance method. In particular,we obtain the solitary wave solutions. 用推广的齐次平衡方法求出了一类非线性发展方程ut-auxx+b(u3+cu2+du)=0(a;b;c;d为常数)的精确解表达式;从而物理上许多著名的方程;如:Chaffee-Infane方程;Huxley方程等;都可以作为该方程的特殊情形;并求得了相应的孤立波解.
- The method also can be applied to seek some special types of exact solitary wave solutions to other nonlinear PDE. 这个方法也可以用来寻找其他非线性偏微分方程的精确孤立波解。
- Exact solution of spherical gravitational. 球面引力波的精确解。
- Through proper transformation,with the use of undetermined assumption method and algebraic computer system Mathematica,some exact bell and kink solitary wave solutions for these equations are obtained as well. 通过适当变换;并结合待定系数法和计算机代数系统M athem atica求出了它们的钟状和扭状精确孤立波解.
- Under various parameter conditions, all exact explicit formulas of solitary wave solutions and kink (anti-kink) wave solutions and uncountable infinity many periodic wave solutions are listed. 在固定的参数条件下给出广义水波方程组的孤立波、扭结(反扭结)波解的精确表达式,并证明该方程组存在不可数无穷多个周期波解。
- Abstract: The properties of solitary wave solution to multidimensional regulari zed long wave equations is discussed and one of its solitary wave solution is ob tained by direct integral method. 文摘:本文讨论了高维正则长波方程的孤立波解的性态,同时运用直接积分法获得了它的一个孤立波解。
- In this paper, the WKB method is used to obtain the nonlineas schrodinger equation satisfied by nonlinear inertia-gravitatrnal wave in the atmosphere, It is found that the nonlineas schiodinges equation has envelope solitary wave solution. 本文用WKB方法讨论大气中惯性重力内波的调制问题,得到了Schrodinger方程及其包络孤立子解。
- The properties of solitary wave solution to multidimensional regulari zed long wave equations is discussed and one of its solitary wave solution is ob tained by direct integral method. 本文讨论了高维正则长波方程的孤立波解的性态,同时运用直接积分法获得了它的一个孤立波解。
- Excellent agreement between the present approximation and the exact solution was found over the entire time domain. 在整个时间范围内近似式运算结果和准确解均十分吻合。
- The convergence theorem of the proposed method is proved based on the exact solution of the subproblem. 基于子问题的精确求解,该文证明了算法的收敛性。
- These solutions may be reduced to the envelope solitary wave solutions under some conditions. 由这种方法得到的包络周期解在一定条件下可以退化为包络冲击波解或包络孤立波解.
- In complicated calculations we can use a computer, because it quickly gives us an exact solution. 复杂的计算我们可以用计算机进行,因为它能迅速地求出准确的答案。
- The extended homogenous balance method is applied to find solitary wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. 摘要为了求非线性发展方程的孤立波解,提出了齐次平衡法的扩展应用。
- The exact solution of the elliptic cone stripline is derivedbased on the TEM mode and perfect conductor assumptions. 研究了椭圆锥带线的特性阻抗等基本参数。
- The formal variable separation approach is developed to find multiple solitary wave solutions for nonintegrable models. 形式分离变量法被推广应用于寻求不可积模型的多孤立波解。
- "There's actually a thriving little underground community that's been studying this exact solution for a long time," said Page. 佩奇说:“实际上,一个蓬勃发展的小型地下组织对此已经研究很久了。
- Internal solitary wave (ISW) propagation is influenced by some physical factors. 摘要为了观察内波受海脊地形影响的演化及运动机制,进行了实验室试验。
- These conclusions are useful to optimise the design of the solitary wave transmission system near zero-dispersion. 这些结论对零色散孤立波传输系统的优化设计是很有用的。
- Making use of these results, we obtained an exact solution for the incompressible potential flow through a two-dimensional Laval nozzle. 利用这些结果得到了二元拉伐尔喷管内不可压缩位势流动的精确解。