- As yet, they have no solid evidence. 他们至今没有任何可靠的证据。
- While generalizations are dangerous ,it is quite safe to present solid evidence. 抽象概括是危险的,但是,提供确凿的证据是万无一失的。
- Again,hot air does not help; find solid evidence that leads to favorable conclusions regarding one's promise in a given field. 再说一遍,空话套话无济于事,对于你在某领域中所作的承诺拿出实实在在的证据,让人家去作出对你有利的结论。
- While generalizations are dangerous, it is quite safe to present solid evidence. 抽象概括是危险的,但是,提供确凿的证据是万无一失的。
- There's no solid evidence that video games are bad for people, and they may be positively good. 没有任何可靠证据证明电玩游戏有损于人们的身心健康,相反他们或许还能发挥一些有益的作用。
- Though the suspect was as sly as fox, he had to admit his crime in front of solid evidence. 尽管嫌疑犯很狡猾,但是证据确凿,他不得不供认自己的罪状。
- Therefore, even now, they have not found any solid evidence to prosecute Dr Wen Ho Lee. 所以直到现在他们没有能够找出那位李文和博士泄露机密的证据。
- While generalizations are dangerous , it is quite safe to present solid evidence. 抽象概括是危险的,但是,提供确凿的证据是万无一失的。
- While generalizations are dangerous , it is quite safe to divsent solid evidence . 抽象概括是危险的,但是,提供确凿的证据是万无一失的。
- Pokey does the math on how profitable this can be, and baja and chargers sure look like solid evidence Pokey is right. Pokey用数学证明了偷盲注是如何获利的,并且baja和charger就是Pokey的理论的有力实证。
- Hubble provided solid evidence that galaxies grew over time to become the giant galaxies we see today. 哈勃提供了可靠的证据关于星系演化成我们现在所看到的巨型星系。
- Until recently,scientists has no solid evidence to show that the function of the medicine in releasing effections. 直到最近,科学家们也没有确凿的证据证明这种药物在减轻感染中的作用。
- Overall, though, the review did not provide solid evidence that the medicine routinely benefits cardiac patients with angina. 不过,常规应用该药是否有助于心绞痛病人方面,本文没有找到坚实的依据。
- Their paper concludes that because there is almost never any solid evidence of wrongdoing, catching and disciplining students is the exception. 他们的文章最后得出结论说因为几乎从来没有任何确凿的犯罪证据,抓住和惩戒买论文学生只是例外的情况。
- The earliest solid evidence for a belief in Zurvan seems to date from the Sassanid dynasty, which ruled Persia from 224 to 651. 早期的可靠证据表明,祖以万的信仰似乎是要回溯到在公元224年到651年间统治波斯的萨珊王朝。
- However, there is no solid evidence that intermediate-mass black holes exist because of the lack of observations and there are still a lot of discussions about it. 然而,由于缺乏观测证据支持,中型黑洞仍只流于热烈讨论。
- In the future, rover-based explorations of the hydrate deposits and clay beds could reveal solid evidence for a red planet that once thrived with microbiotic life. 在未来,以自行装置为基础,对氢氧化物沉淀和粘土层的探测,可能会提供可靠的证据:在这颗红色的行星上,微生物曾经旺盛地生长着。
- As each of those working there knows about only a part of a project,it is impossible for them to leak any secrets. Therefore,even now,they have not found any solid evidence to prosecute Dr Wen Ho Lee. They can only fire him. 根本就不可能泄露什么机密。所以直到现在他们没有能够找出那位李文和博士泄露机密的证据。他们没法起诉他,只好把他解雇了。
- The judge disallowed that evidence. 法官驳回那项证据。
- There is solid evidence. 有实物可征。