- Is the Continuum Emission of Solar Flare a Sort of Unusual Events? 耀斑的连续发射是罕见的吗?
- One possibility is that the blast was like an ultra-powerful solar flare. 一种可能的原因是这种爆炸很像有超级能量的太阳耀斑。
- The storm, the most disruptive to hit Earth since1989, was unleashed by the fourth-most powerful solar flare ever seen. 迄今为止第四最强烈的太阳耀斑所释放出来的太阳风暴,是自1989年以来所有袭击地球的太阳风暴中最具有破坏性的。
- The most powerful solar flare as observed by satellite instrumentation is recorded. 2003年的今天,由卫星仪器观测到的最强的一次太阳耀斑被记录。
- It was the most brilliant solar flare ever recorded, bespeaking enormous energies released into the solar atmosphere. 这是有记录以来最亮的一次日焰,代表著极大量的能量被释放到太阳大气中。
- An exception to the above pattern occurs during solar flare activity, which takes place on an occasional basis during periods of high solar activity. 例外情况然而亦有,这就是在太阳活跃期偶发的闪焰爆发。
- Solar flares can also doom satellites. 太阳火焰还能使人造卫星毁于一旦。
- Solar radio burst on metric wavelengths, which is associated with solar flare, is a phenomenon in the corona above solar active regions. 太阳米波射电爆发是活动区上空日冕中的现象,与太阳耀斑有密切关系。
- How do solar flares reach Earth? 太阳闪焰如何抵达地球?
- Many ghost hunters believe that hauntings are tied to changes in electromagnetic frequencies, and that uncanny activity spikes during a solar flare or a full moon. 许多幽灵猎人认为hauntings受到束缚,改变电磁频率,而不可思议穗活动期间太阳耀斑或满月。
- Influences of solar flare bursts and partical precipitation on the lower ionosphere have been observed by means of VLF propagation effects at Zhongshan Station in Antarctica. 在南极中山站利用甚低频传播手段观测太阳耀斑爆发及极区粒子沉降对低电离层的影响。
- A solar flare. 太阳光
- Solar flares are perhaps the most complex phenomena observed on the sun. 太阳耀斑大概是在太阳上观测到的最复杂的现象。
- Using 59 good quality observation data from IGS tracking station, this paper analyses the result of TEC that is caused by X5. 7 solar flare on Jul. 14 2000 and X14. 4 solar flare on Apr. 15, 2001. 摘要利用59个数据质量良好的IGS跟踪站的观测数据,对2000年7月14日爆发的X5.;7级的太阳耀斑和2001年4月15日爆发的X14
- The wide-ranging auroral activity was triggered as a large solar flare - an energetic cloud of particles blasted outward from the Sun a few days earlier - collided with planet Earth's magnetosphere. 这大范围的极光活动是由一个巨大的太阳耀斑引起的,几天前就有高能粒子云从太阳表面爆发出来,之后与地球的磁场发生碰撞。
- Solar flare events classed larger 大耀斑事件
- Solar flares set off sunquakes. Solar flares make the Sun ring like a bell, researchers in Denmark have found. 太阳光爆引发“阳”震.;科研人员在丹麦观测到:太阳光爆产生钟型光环
- Solar phenomena, such as the sun spots and solar flares, provide good indications of space weather. 太阳现象如太阳黑子和太阳耀斑,均能对太空天气变化作出良好提示。
- The new results will lead to deeply understand the energy release and transfer in the low corona during solar flares. 这些新的结果有助于深入理解在太阳耀斑期间低日冕中能量的释放和转移,也为拟建中的太阳射电频谱日像仪提出了新的要求。
- This phenomenon is similar to how solar flares develop on the Sun and is even a mechanism for creating Earth's aurorae. 这种现象与太阳的光亮怎样在太阳表面上发生变化相类似,而之对于地球创始来说是个再平常不过的机制。