- These results verified well with the soil analysis. 这种结果与土壤化验结果一致。
- Quantitative soil analyses have been accomplished by chemical gravimetric and radiotracer techniques. 污垢的定量分析在化学的重量分析以及放射性跟踪技术协助下,已能进行。
- Soil analysis is useful for detecting gross shortages of lime, phosphate and potassium under grazed grass. 对于放牧的牧场,应用土壤分析对石灰、磷和钾是否不足进行粗略的鉴定,是有用的。
- Warrick A. W., Myers D. E., Nielsen D. R., 1986, Geostatistics Methods Applied to Soil Science, Methoes of Soil Analysis, Part1 pp.53-80. 赵士仪,1999,以主成份分析法处理定量资料缺失值问题,元智大学资讯管理研究所硕士论文。
- Keeney, D.R. and Nelson, D.W., 1982.Nitrogen-inorganic forms.In A.L.Page, Ed., Methods of soil analysis, part 2.Chemical and microbiological properties, 2nd ed., Wisconsin, USA. 国立中山大学海洋环境及工程学系湿地研究室,人工湿地生态工法应用于污染防治研习会论文集。
- Stevenson K J. Nitrogen-Organic Forms. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 3. Chemical Methods. Book Series 5. ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, 1996:1185 - 1200. 徐阳春;等.;长期施用不同有机肥对土壤各粒级复合体中C、N、P含量与分配的影响
- Soil analysis showed that the two soils in Ezhou and Xiangyang counties were deficient in N, P, K, B and Zn. 土壤分析表明鄂州和襄阳两地供试土壤缺乏氮、磷、钾、硼和锌。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- Such crops won't grow in limy soil. 这类作物不能在石灰质的土壤中生长。
- Page, A.L., Keeney, D.R., Baker, D.E., Miller, R.H., Ellis, R.Jr. and Rhoades, J.D. (1982), “Methods of soil analysis part 2 Chemical and microbiological properties”, Soil Sci.Soc.Amer. 赖俊成(2001);“混合酸淋洗处理重金属污染土壤之研究”;硕士论文;云林科技大学环境与安全工程技术研究所.
- What shall we grow in this alkaline soil? 我们应该在碱性土壤里种什么?
- WASHINGTON: Martian dirt was apparently good enough for asparagus to grow in, NASA scientists said yesterday as they announced the results of a soil analysis collected by the US Phoenix Mars lander. 法新社华盛顿电:昨天美国宇航局在宣布“凤凰”号火星探测器采集的土壤分析结果时称,很显然,火星土壤非常适合种植芦笋。
- There are a lot of worms in the soil. 泥土中有许多蠕虫。
- Water has permeated (through) the soil. 水已渗遍那片土壤。
- There are some clods of soil on the mat. 垫子上有些土块。
- The earth in the garden is good, soft soil. 花园里的泥土松软肥沃。
- The results from two methods are generally in agreement and can meet the dema nds for expansive soils analysis in engineering geology. 两种方法的判别和分级结果基本相符,能满足工程地质膨胀土的测试要求。
- This kind of soil contains much alkali. 这种土壤含碱丰富。
- She makes her living from the soil. 她以务农为生。
- Grass will not succeeded in this dry soil. 在这种干燥土壤中草不会成活。