- Bacteria and fungi are other important soil organisms. 细菌和真菌是另一类重要的土壤有机体。
- It is a booming realm of study to monitor the change of soil environme nt by soil organism. 用土壤生物监测土壤环境变化是近年来热点研究领域之一。
- The progressive objective of soil organism determination is not only simple,rapid and cheaper but also exempt from pollution. 认为上壤有机质测定方法改进的目标不仅仅是简便、快速、廉价,还应包括无污染。
- Water storage in soil organic horizons is a further factor to consider. 在土壤有机质中的水分贮积是一个值得进一步考虑的因素。
- Soil organic matter is the product of microbial decomposition of plant and animal residues. 土壤有机质是微生物分解植物和动物残体的产物。
- A major portion of the soil organic matter is derived from the added and residual vegetative material. 加进去的和残留下来的植物物质则是土壤有机质的主要来源。
- DCCA ordination showed that soil organic matter content was the decisive factor to the development of communities. DCCA排序进一步表明了土壤有机质含量是所有因子中对植物群落发展起决定性作用的主要环境因素.
- Zn situation of vegetable garden soils and its relation to soil organic carbon. 菜园土壤锌营养状况及其与土壤有机碳的关系。
- Soil organic carbon releases CO2 at the aeration status, which results in greenhouse effect and consequently influences global change. 摘要碳主要在通气状态下释放出CO2以温室效应的形式影响全球变化。
- The nitrate content in turnip was reduced,while soil organic matter content in the rhizosphere was signifi... 施用有机肥料萝卜的硝酸盐含量明显下降,当季作物收获后根际土壤有机质含量明显提高。
- Soil organic matter (SOM) distribution has obvious spatial differences as fertility index in grassland. 摘要作为草地土壤重要肥力指标的有机质,存在明显的空间差异。
- Capacity measuration is the prevailing method of soil organic matter determination. 容量法是土壤有机质测定中普遍使用的方法。
- Jenkinson D S,Rayner J H.The turnover of soil organic matter in some of the Rothamsted classical experiments[J]. 徐秋芳;姜培坤;沈泉.;灌木林与阔叶林土壤有机碳库的比较研究[J]北京林业大学学报;2005;27(2)
- The soil organic matter accumulated more rapidly with higher C /N ratio organic manures which contained more lignin. 施用碳氮比大,木质素含量高的有机肥,土壤有机质积累快;
- Earthworms and other essential soil organisms are extremely susceptive to cadmium poisoning. 蚯蚓和其他主要的土壤生物都非常容易镉中毒。
- Application of fertilizers raised the contents of soil organic matter and NPK, and significant in application manures. 施肥提高了土壤有机质及N、P、K养分含量,施有机肥土壤养分含量增加显著。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- After the contour hedgerow had been planted for five years, the contents of soil organic matter increased prominently. 在该区种植新银合欢、马桑、黄荆等植物篱5年后,土壤有机质的含量明显增加;
- Soil organic matter contents can also be raised through continuously plowing under stalks into land. 同时,近年来秸秆还田的增加有助于提高土壤有机质含量。
- As the major fraction of soil organic matter (SOM), humic substances (HS) are particularly important. 作为土壤有机质主体的腐殖物质的研究,一直受到各国学者的普遍重视。