- The degree of humification in soil humic acid at 900 m asl is the lowest. 海拔900m以下的土壤中均有明显的黏化层,向上土壤黏粒淋溶淀积逐渐减弱;
- IR, ESR, XRD and some other recent analysis methods have been using in the study of adsorption mechanisms of pesticides on soil humic acids and clays. 土壤中的粘土矿物和腐植酸是对农药吸附的最主要两类活性组份。
- Abstract: IR, ESR, XRD and some other recent analysis methods have been using in the study of adsorption mechanisms of pesticides on soil humic acids and clays. 文摘:土壤中的粘土矿物和腐植酸是对农药吸附的最主要两类活性组份。
- soil humic acid 土壤腐殖酸
- The effect of brown humic acid was moderate. 棕色胡敏酸性质与影响介于富里酸与灰色胡敏酸之间。
- Humic acids promote the solubility of soil cadmium. 腐殖酸促进土壤镉的溶解性;
- Effects of Corn Plant Residues on the Soil Humic Acids by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry 核磁共振波谱法研究玉米植株残体培肥对土壤胡敏酸的影响
- Humic acid was extracted from swampy soil in Zhongdian at Yunnan and characterized. 从云南中甸沼泽土中提取了腐殖酸样品,并对样品的性质进行了测定。
- Gonzalez-Vila F.J.Ludemann H.D.Martin F 13C NMR structural features of soil humic acids,their methylated,hydrolyzed,extracted derivatives 1983(31 贺婧.;颜丽
- For the estuary soil there exhibited two groups of peaks from soluble humic acid,howe- ver,the lower mass group were disappear for the grass land soil. 沉积土中水溶性腐殖酸均展示了二组峰值 ;而在草原土中低分子量组份消失 .
- YANG Min,WANG Hongbin,NING Ping,et al.Extracting of humic acid from swampy soil by dilute base[J].Chemical World,2002,7:351-353(in Chinese). [2]杨敏;王红斌;宁平;等.;云南沼泽土中提取腐植酸的研究[J]
- We use the best lignite or peat,activity humic acid sodium manufacturing . 我们生产的活性腐植酸钠是采用中国最好的褐煤或泥炭。
- CCSA HA is of the Rp type of humic acids. 其类型属于Rp型胡敏酸。
- Humic acid (HA) can promote crop growth and increase fertilizer utilization. 而腐植酸具有促进作物生长、提高肥料利用率等作用。
- The results in this paper fully showed the synergetic effect of humic acid on chemical fertilizer and ameliorable effect on physical properties of soil. 通过一些试验充分验证了腐植酸对化学肥料明显的增效作用,也总结了含腐植酸的有机-无机复混肥对土壤物理性状的改良作用。
- Soil humic substance is an important natural pool of THM precursors in raw waters. 土壤腐殖质是水源三卤甲烷前驱物质的重要天然来源。
- E4 and E6 values of humic acid increased with single application of chemical fertilizer.In the Paddy red soil but they changed a little in Fluvo-aquic soil and Arid red soil. 单施化肥也能提高红壤性水稻土胡敏酸的E4和E6值,但对潮土和旱地红壤胡敏酸E4和E6值影响不大。
- Humic acids are usually regarded as polymers of aromatic compounds. 腐殖酸通常被看作是芳烃化合物的聚合物。
- Abstract : The application of organic matter spectroscopies to characterization researches of soil humic substances have promoted the structural study achieves more development. 摘要 : 有机质光谱分析法在土壤腐殖质结构研究中的应用,已使土壤腐殖质的研究取得了相当大的进展。