- This paper presents a survey to software model checking based on Abstract-verify-refine paradigm, using SLAM at Microsoft and BLAST at UC Berkeley as examples. 本文以微软的SLAM和加州大学伯克利分校的BLAST为例综述性地介绍了基于抽象-验证-细化范例的软件模型检测。
- A scheme of applying technique of conditioning to preprocess a program is proposed to alleviate the problem of state space explosion faced by software model checking. 提出用条件化技术对程序进行预处理的方案,以克服软件模型检测中状态空间爆炸问题。
- This paper reviewed some prevalent trends in this domain in recent years, then proposed a software model checking scenario, which was based on hierarchical unit partition and heuristic search. 通过对近年来软件模型检测领域流行的几种技术进行综述,提出了一种基于层次单元划分,使用引导式搜索方式的软件模型检测方案。
- Applying Program Conditioning to Reduce State Space for Software Model Checking 程序条件化用于软件模型检测中的状态空间缩减
- Program Conditioning to Reduce State Space Explosion for Software Model Check 用于克服程序状态空间爆炸的条件化预处理
- MWB is a model checking tool based on PI-calculus. MWB是一个基于PI演算的模型检测工具。
- software model checking 软件模型检测
- In the applications of model checking, the software properties are usually depicted by Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas. 摘要在模型检查应用中,需要使用线性时态逻辑对软件具备的特性进行描述。
- Yet this is the mentality behind the proprietary software model. 然而,这就是专有软件模式背后人们的心态。
- Model checking is an important method of verifying logic properties of finite state systems, and also a supplement to the shortage of software testing. 摘要模型检测是一种对有限状态变迁系统验证其时态逻辑性质的重要方法,可以弥补测试技术的不足。
- Over the last decade the use of model checking to verify the presence or absence of properties has gained prominence. 近十年以来,使用模型检查来验证有无某些特性已经成为主流。
- For most safety properties and some liveness properties, model checking can be reduced to reachability analysis. 实时系统的绝大多数安全性和部分活性可以通过可达性分析算法来验证。
- Process of conceptualizing and refining the specifications, and producing a hardware and software model. 软硬件协同设计基本步骤。
- Edelkamp S,Helmert M.The model checking integrated planning system.AI-Magazine (AIMAG),2001,67-71. 对动作进行置换的含义见第3节中的"定义3.;2";本节是从宏观上介绍本文内容的组织结构
- Intranet-style applications match the classic packaged application software model. 企业内联网式的应用程序符合经典的封装式应用程序软件模型。
- The key characteristics of MASM are veri ed and validated through the model checking technique. 利用模型检测技术,建立了验证模型关键属性的方法;
- This saves time coding business logic by automatically implementing part of a UML software model. 通过自动实施部分UML软件模型,节省了业务逻辑编码的时间。
- K.L. McMillan. Symbolic Model Checking: an approach to the State explosion problem. 邵明;李光辉;李晓维.;模型检验中迁移关系的分组策略
- At the heart of any software modeling effort is requirements gathering. 任何软件建模工作的中心是需求收集。
- The components of the software model include a dynamic generator, a dynamic allocator and an inference engine. 从软件模型上分析,动态约束优化调度的组件包括动态解析器、动态分配器和推理引擎。