- This article proposed an improved static program slicing algorithm, and applied it to software reverse engineering. 摘要提出了一种改进的静态程序切片算法,并应用到软件逆向工程中。
- Decompilation is used as a tool to translate the executable binary program into an equivalent program in a high-level language, it is an important research domain of software reverse engineering. 摘要 反编译技术可以将二进制可执行程序转换为等价的高级语言形式代码,它是软件逆向工程研究的一个重要方向。
- Practical study of software reverse engineering with formal method 形式化技术应用于软件逆工程的实践研究
- Software reverse engineering based on crosscutting concerns recovery 基于横切关注点恢复的软件逆向工程研究
- software reverse engineering 软件逆向工程
- The second chapter: CAGD and reverse engineering. 第二章:计算机辅助几何设计和反向工程理论基础。
- NE365 virus, rootkit, reverse engineering -> . Net平台逆向 -> [原创]snView 查看.
- Reverse engineering will be legal from 2007 Feb 1th in China. 在中国,从2007年2月1日起,逆向工程就是合法的了。
- Advancement in reverse engineering field upgrades the ability to analyze software,and on the other hand,it brings more challenge to software security. 逆向工程领域的进步,一方面提升了软件分析能力,另一方面,给软件安全带来更大的挑战。
- Software Reengineering is engineering method to evolve legacy system; it includes Reverse Engineering, Forward Engineering and Transformation. 软件再工程(Software Reengineering)是对现有的遗留系统进行现代化改造的系统工程,它包括逆向工程(Reverse Engineering),正向工程(Forward Engineering),以及转换(Transformation)。
- Perhaps most significant is the process of imitation through product inspection, reverse engineering, decompilation of software, and even simple trial and error. 或许最为明显的是通过产品检验、逆向工程、软件的逆向编译、甚至使用简单的试错法进行模仿的过程。
- In the face of such automated threats, security researchers cannot combat malicious software using traditional methods of decompilation and reverse engineering by hand. 面对这样的自动化的威胁,安全研究人员不能打击恶意软件使用的传统方法解析和逆向工程技术的手。
- Greg Hoglund,Gary McGraw, Reverse Engineering and Program Understanding. 该研究采用分析子程序中流的方法来探讨程序理解。
- Reverse engineering is the process by which we deduce causes from effects. 反向设计是一个从结果推导原因的过程。
- To find this password, you have to Reverse Engineer the binary. 为了找到密码,你需要逆向代码。
- Nevertheless, the program logic can be reverse engineered. 但是,程序逻辑还是可以进行反向工程处理。
- Customer shall not decompile or reverse assemble the Software, or analyze or otherwise examine it for reverse engineering the Software or for reverse engineering any hardware or firmware implementation of the Software. 用户不得以反向设计软件或者反向设计软件的任何硬件、固件执行为目的,拆编、反装、分析或以其他方式研究软件。
- You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form. 您不得反编译,逆向工程,反汇编,或以其他方式减少软件到人类感知的形式。
- Complex Opcodes encoding would make it quite challenging to Reverse Engineer. 复杂的操作码编码对逆向是一种挑战。
- Reverse engineering constructs CAD model ac- cording to the data measured from real product. 反向工程是一种快速的产品设计、制造方法,是根据实物或模型测得的数据,构造 cad模型,继而进行分析制造。