- Thus the software reusability of this approach is high.Several simple rules are need when making used of this general approach in special plant. 设计和实现了相关的其它子系统,建立了一套并不复杂的接口规范。
- However, in actual operation, the software reusability poor interpretation of the scripting language running low efficiency, poor data security issues that must be resolved. 但是,在实际运作中,软件的重用性差,解释型的脚本语言运行效率低,数据的安全性差等问题亟待解决。
- Based on application description of the adapter,factory and observer modes in radar terminal software,this paper introduces how to improve the software reusability via design mode. 文中论述适配器模式、工厂模式以及观察者模式在雷达终端软件系统中的应用,介绍如何通过设计模式提高软件的复用性。
- Security and Secrecy of Database, Data Mining and Data Warehousing, Object Oriented Database, Parallel Database, Parallel Database, Mobile Database, Software Reusability and Component Technology. 数据库的安全与保密,数据挖掘与数据仓库,面向对象数据库,并行数据库,并行数据库,移动数据库,软件复用与构件技术
- ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Proceedings of the 2001 symposium on Software reusability: putting software reuse in context, Volume 26 Issue 3. 私立中原大学资讯管理研究所硕士论文。
- Effective, systematic software reuse continues to be an elusive goal for many organizations. 对于许多组织而言,有效而系统的软件重用仍然是一个很难达到的目标。
- As a new technology for software reuse, component technology amis at these challenges. 软件构件技术作为一种新兴的软件复用技术,旨在解决软件系统开发所面临的困境。
- Furthermore, this paper also discusses some aspects of software reuse component, such as purport and granularity. 同时对大粒度可复用构件的意义等方面进行了较深入的论述。
- A systematic exposition was given on the meaning, scope and technology of software reuse in this paper. 为此本文对软件复用的含义及软件复用的范围与技术进行了系统的论述。
- A Framework for Object-Oriented Software Reusability 一种面向对象的软件复用框架
- Software reuse is one of the important methods for improving software quality and shortening software developing period. 软件复用技术是提高软件开发质量,缩短软件开发周期的重要方法之一。
- Implementing software reusability on inheritance of class 通过类的继承实现软件重用
- The component-based software engineering(CBSE)is an important software reuse technology.It will revolutionize the software development in future. 摘要基于组件的软件工程(CBSE)是重要的软件重用技术,将使今后的软件开发起革命性的变化。
- It develops a feasible method for the construction of the SDSS, reducing software complexity and enhancing software reuse. 为综合决策支持系统提供了一种可行方案,降低了软件复杂度,提高了软件复用。
- Investment. Making software reusable is a way to preserve the know-how and inventions of the best developers; to turn a fragile resource into a permanent asset. 软件复用是一种保护天才开发者的技术秘诀和发明创造的方法;这是将易碎的资源变成一个长久的资产。
- And it makes software reuse ascend to group, formalization behavior fromindividual,uncertain behavior, so large-scale software industry has become possible. 软件构件技术为软件复用提供了技术基础,使得软件复用得到进一步发展,使得软件复用从个体性、不确定性行为上升为群体性、形式化行为,从而使得大规模产品线式的软件工业化生产成为可能。
- Although the benefits of inheritance (such as software reuse, increased reliability, and code sharing) are great, nothing is without cost of some sort, including inheritance. 虽然继承的好处(比如软件重用、提高可靠性、代码分享等)很大,但任何事物都是有某种代价的,包括继承。
- With the development of technology based on WEB, Web Service based on XML plays an important role in software reuse and flexible cross-platform support. 随着Web技术的不断发展,基于XML的Web Service技术在软件重用性和跨平台应用中起着日益重要的作用。
- But up to now, there are still some problems to be solved oncomponent-based software reuse, such as lack of vulgate models and management toolsof reusable components. 但是直到今天诸如缺乏公认的部件模型和有效的管理工具等问题都还需要部件重用技术很好地进行解决。
- The NASA Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Software Reuse Working Group (WG) was established to support software reuse among members of the community. 因此,他们成立了NASA地球科学数据系统(ESDS)软件复用工作组(WG)来支持社区成员之间的软件复用。