- Software project planning is initiated in the early stages of, and in parallel with, the overall project planning. 软件项目规划过程在项目初始阶段启动并贯穿整个项目过程。
- How to precisely count software function points is a key to developing the software project planning and accordingly monitoring the project progress. 如何精确地估算软体功能点数以便对软体专案进行妥善的规划和监控,是一个非常重要的课题。
- The method and tactics of making the software project plan 制订软件项目计划的方法与策略
- Tom Demarco in his book, Controlling Software Projects, discusses the impact that a deliverables based approach should have on a manager's project planning and control philosophy. 作为讨论的一部分,他引用了项目模型的主要规则:项目的活动由它的可交付性制定。
- The plan for the software project is documented. 文档化软件项目计划。
- We enclose our brief project plan for your perusal. 内附我公司项目计划概要,请过目。
- Compile and execute new product mould project plan. 制订和实施新产品模具项目计划。
- How to run a successful free software project? 如何运转一个成功的自由软件项目?
- The SMS gateway is a small software project. SMS网关是一个小型的软件方案。
- Change the project plan as needed. 根据需要更改项目计划。
- Build a free-style software project. 创建即可。
- I say I am householder, see project plan how. 我说我是户主,看看工程进度怎么样。
- software project plan 软件项目计划
- What is the average software project budget overrun? 如果没有按照既定预算完成的话,超过平均预算多少?
- Compile and execute new product process project plan. 制订和执行新产品工艺项目计划。
- PM software Project management software, Management download. 管理经营,软件免费下载,提供电子商务,网络安全,。
- Produce a Project Plan for a JD Edwards Upgrade Project. 软件开发项目计划。
- A comprehensive model for software projects. 一个健全的软件项目模型。
- Establish project plan and supervise the implementation. 制定项目计划并监控实施。
- Two of the tasks in your project plan are Test and Release. 项目计划中的两个任务为“测试”和“发布”。