- software project iuvestment 软件项目投资
- The plan for the software project is documented. 文档化软件项目计划。
- How to run a successful free software project? 如何运转一个成功的自由软件项目?
- The SMS gateway is a small software project. SMS网关是一个小型的软件方案。
- Build a free-style software project. 创建即可。
- What is the average software project budget overrun? 如果没有按照既定预算完成的话,超过平均预算多少?
- PM software Project management software, Management download. 管理经营,软件免费下载,提供电子商务,网络安全,。
- A comprehensive model for software projects. 一个健全的软件项目模型。
- Software project activities and commitments are planned and documented. 规划和文档化软件项目活动和责任。
- Adequate resources and funding are provided for planning the software project. 为软件计划制订提供充分的资源。
- Adequate resources and funding are provided for tracking the software project. 为软件的项目的跟踪与管理提供充分的资源。
- A software development plan for the software project is documented and approved. 对于任何软件开发项目,需有一个正式批准的项目计划。
- His interests include distributed systems architecture, software project management, and structural biology. 他的兴趣包括分布式系统体系结构、软件项目管理和结构生物学。
- The project follows a written organizational policy for planning a software project. 项目遵循书面的组织方针进行软件项目的规划。
- First-line software managers receive orientation in the technical aspects of the software project. 其他参与项目管理人员有基本的项目管理概念。
- A SCM plan is prepared for each software project according to a documented procedure. 按确定的步骤为每个软件项目制订SCM活动计划。
- Software estimates are documented for use in planning and tracking the software project. 用来计划和跟踪软件项目的软件估计文档化。
- Software project planning is initiated in the early stages of, and in parallel with, the overall project planning. 软件项目规划过程在项目初始阶段启动并贯穿整个项目过程。
- Actual measurement data and replanning data for the software project are recorded. 要记录软件项目的实际度量数据和再次计划的数据。
- Approved changes to commitments that affect the software project are communicated to the members of the software. 已批准的责任变化要通知软件工程组成员和相关组成员。