- A Software Fault Injection Tool for Evaluation of the Dependability of Onboard System 一种用于星载系统可靠性评测的软件故障注入工具
- software faults injection 软件故障注入
- software fault injection 软件故障注入
- Fault injection tests expose error-handling anomalies. 错误植入测试可暴露错误处理的不妥之处。
- The article introduces the design of a certain fault injection system (FIS) based on software, hardware and simulation technology. 摘要分析了一种基于软件、硬件和仿真技术于一体的故障注入系统。
- Linux Fault Injection Test Harness - Highly Available (HA) systems respond gracefully to fault conditions and remain operational during unexpected software and hardware failures. 高可用性(HA)系统可以对错误条件做出很好的响应,在遇到意外的软件和硬件错误时仍然可以保持运行。
- During a quick failover,all stable calls are lost when AP or EIN hardware,Operation System,platform software,or some application software faults occur. 在快速失败切换期间,当 AP 或 EIN 硬件、操作系统、平台软件或某些应用程序软件出现故障时,所有稳定呼叫都会掉线。
- This paper aims at building d ifferent types of software fault models to manage and standardize these faults . 这篇文章旨在建立不同类型的故障模型,以便于管理和标准化这些故障。
- During a quick failover, all stable calls are lost when AP or EIN hardware, Operation System, platform software, or some application software faults occur. 在快速失败切换期间,当 AP 或 EIN 硬件、操作系统、平台软件或某些应用程序软件出现故障时,所有稳定呼叫都会掉线。
- For the testability experimental validation of serial bus,a fault injection system is designed and implement. 针对串行总线的测试性试验验证,设计与实现了一个故障注入系统。
- PTBA is applicable for the circumstance with low software fault rate, especially for short-period tasks. PTBA适用于软件错误率较低的应用环境,特别是当任务的周期较短时,能够以较小的调度开销获得较高的调度性能。
- In this paper ,a kind of Fault Injection equipment which is built in a FPGA chip is brought forward for Testability Verification. 为了客观评价数字电路测试系统的测试性能,需要对测试系统的测试性指标进行验证。
- Furthermore,there attached experimental data in the appendix of the paper to verify validity of the six types of software fault models. 而且在文章的附录部分给出了试验数据,有效地证明了这些故障模型的建立是非常有意义的。
- The last chapter is composed of several technical implements of our SIMULATION PLATFORM, including automatic netlist generation, fault injection, fault simulation, etc. 最后给出了笔者参与设计的仿真诊断平台中的部分关键技术实现:如网表自动生成、故障注入和故障仿真等。
- To implement a RAID configuration, it is recommended that you use only a hardware RAID product rather than software fault tolerant dynamic disk features. 若要实现RAID配置,建议只使用硬件RAID产品,而不使用软件容错的动态磁盘功能。
- This article analyzes the cause of the software fault,fully discusses the software running environment and raises the method of troubleshooting software fault. 分析了软件故障产生的原因,对软件运行环境做了全面的讨论,并提出软件故障的分析方法。
- As the randomicity of emergence of software faults,defects of software products are inevitable.It is important on improving the quality of software product to deal with the software defects properly. 由于软件错误出现的随机性,软件产品的缺陷是不可完全避免的,较好地处理软件缺陷是提高软件产品质量的关键。
- As a complemental method for traditional testing, the fault injection method described in this paper focuses on the reaction of tested objects under abnormal conditions with invalid parameters. 作为传统测试方法的一种补充,文中所述的故障注入方法重点观察被测对象在异常条件和无效参数下的应对情况。
- To the hot research topic: analysis of integrating performance and reliability, this paper presents the circuit fault simulation method, which is combined the EDA simulation with fault injection. 摘要针对“性能可靠性一体化设计”这一热点研究方向,文章提出了将EDA仿真和故障注入相结合的电路故障仿真方法。
- Aiming at the problem that the RTEMS real-time operating system lacks software fault tolerant functions at the system level,this paper presents an entire suite of schemes named two-level fault tolerance in order to improve the reliability of the system. 本文针对RTEMS实时操作系统缺乏软件容错支持功能的不足,在操作系统级设计了一套两级软件容错的方案,提高了嵌入式系统的可靠性。