- soft texture fondant 软糖
- The soft texture of the blanket can soothe her. 这条毯子柔软的触感可以让她安静下来。
- The etchant penetrates between the fine grains to etch the plate forming countless tiny cells that print in a soft texture. 腐蚀剂在微粒间渗入,把版面腐蚀,造成无数小窝,印出一个柔和纹理。
- Edema skin tight, shiny, pale or light red color, soft texture, it is concavity. 水肿处皮肤紧张,发亮,色苍白或淡红,质地软,无可凹性。
- Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. 溃疡:香蕉被用于调理饮食引起的胃肠紊乱,因为香蕉质地柔软滑润。
- It is made of high-grade neoprene, with simple and graceful design, comfortable and soft texture. 笔记本内胆包1、精选高级潜水料,外观设计简美脱俗,质感柔软舒适。
- Amazoness is MCM's trendy line that offers both a bold image and a soft texture. 亚马逊系列是MCM流行款式中造型硬朗而材质柔软的一款。
- Soft corals with soft texture will sway by water wave, so that they can make our reef aquarium look more graceful and exuberant. 质地柔软的软珊瑚会随着水流摇摆,因此他们能够使我们的礁岩水族箱看起来更幽雅且生气勃勃。
- One is selected meat-feed. The best selection of soft texture of the pork loin, and then gavel smashing Meat Loaf, cut into thin small. 其一是选好肉料。最好选用质地柔嫩的猪里脊肉,再用木槌打烂肉块,切成细丁。
- "It has vanilla and fruity flavor with a touch of smoke and fresh oak nuance. It is well-structured with soft texture and long finish. 加斯顿格拉夫红,有乡土的气息,富水果的风味,带点烟熏味及新鲜的橡木味,口感柔和,余韵悠长,富结构。配乳猪、烧鹅为佳。
- Fashionable pantyhose of special two tone rhombus design with fine knit. Light and airy feel with a soft texture for comfort wear. Flat seams, soft waistband. 最新开发的密集细网型耐磨防勾回走编制方法,独特的国际工艺打造,时尚高品位的提花图案,金缕玉衣般的奢华感受,带您独领时尚前沿风骚,尽显高雅迷人的独特魅力!
- Edema of the larger, more obvious boundaries.Edema skin tight, shiny, pale or light red color, soft texture, it is concavity.Does not itch or mild itching. 该病常自幼年开始,反覆发作而持续终生,少数亦可在成年期发病,均有明确的家族史。
- Its soft texture requirements and complexeof, unsullied, impurities and pulp lumps, their appearance should not be broken and exuvaite, and so the hole. 其质地要求柔软且为中性、无污点、杂质及纸浆硬块,其外观应无脱落、断裂及破孔等现象。
- Juicy, rich and youthful, offering smoky blueberry and spice scents. There is fat fruit on the palate, which boasts a soft texture and excellence balance. 馥郁醇香,充满活力,散发出蓝莓的熏香及辛香气息。果味浓厚而酒质柔顺,富于绝妙的平衡感。
- Marble solemn appearance and soft texture, elegant style, color variety, are ideal for building luxury decoration materials, is also the artistic carving of traditional materials. 大理石的质感柔和美观庄重,格调高雅,花色繁多,是装饰豪华建筑的理想材料,也是艺术雕刻的传统材料。
- Delicious soft textured caramel with a cappuccino flavour and cream. 浓郁焦糖混合卡布奇诺奶油。
- Translucence gel design, with the soft texture and non-sticky, adding heparin ingredients accelerate restoration to natural complexion, anti-Wrinkle and moisturizing effect while sleeping. 半透明者哩,质地轻柔用后不粘腻,添加肝素成份在睡眠中加快自体修复达到自然白皙,保湿抗皱功效。
- P.G.B.integrated with Switzerland pearl essence is with soft texture easy to apply evenly; gently apply to make it integrating with skin, no trace, showing natural transparent make-up. 植物黄金体P.;G
- Simultaneously, as the licensee of MONTAGUT CASHMERE and MONTAGUT MAILLE FEMININE, we have consummate craft to produce soft texture clothing which show MONTAGUT's noble and magnificent at Orient. 同时,作为法国梦特娇女装、羊绒衫的中国特许承销商,精湛的工艺、轻柔的质感让梦特娇品牌的高贵与华美在东方尽情延展。
- The cake has a nice light texture. 这蛋糕松软可口。