- Cats are covered with soft skin. 猫身上长着柔软的毛。
- No more worry for dry skin when change season. Herbal help you keep moisture as soft skin with rosemary, Gardenia flavors. 栀子花草本精华有滋润皮肤、保湿的功效,乾燥皮肤无需再担心转季时出现的皮肤问题了!
- Contain a lot ofplant sex albumen (almond extract) , housing kind with yeasty extract can alimentary soft skin. 富含植物性蛋白(杏仁萃取物),壳类和酵母萃取物能滋养并柔软肌肤。
- Webbing between the toes is of soft skin, well covered with hair, and reaches the toe tips. 脚趾间有蹼,是一层柔软的皮肤,上面覆盖着毛发,延伸到趾甲处。
- Promotes division, reduce pigment, Hydrating anti-allergic &Pox, delay ageing and soft skin. 刺激细胞分裂再生,淡化色斑,加速美白,抗衰老,神奇嫩肤。
- Ross: Ahem... I want.... OK, I want to... feel your... hot, soft skin with my lips. 恩...我想...好吧,我想要...用我的双唇感觉你那...火热,柔软的皮肤。
- Jojoba Oil: Contain the abundant vitamin composition, soft skin, prevention crease to produce, improvement sensitive skin. 含丰富的维他命成份,能滋养、柔软肌肤,预防皱纹产生,改善敏感肌肤。
- Applying the mask on whole body helps to fully absorb milk essence, eliminate dryness and itching of the skin, and restore supple and soft skin. 全身覆盖此膜可使肌肤全面吸收牛乳中的养分,全身干燥和搔痒一扫而净,同时更能令肌肤回复娇嫩幼滑。
- Us girls we are so magical, soft skin, red lips, so kissable, hard to resist so touchable, too good to deny it.Ain't no big deal, it's innocent. 若只是游戏,请找寻适合游戏的对象,千万不要伤害全心全意投入的温善真实的拉拉们,因为她们实在珍贵。
- Gradually I let my touch become lighter and his foot had a slight spasmodic movement as I glided my fingers over the soft skin. 当我滑动了在软的皮肤上的我手指,逐渐地我让我的触觉变得比较轻的,而且他的足部有了一个纤细的抽筋运动。
- Defend wet water blandly, contain a lot ofplant sex albumen (almond extract) , housing kind with yeasty extract can alimentary soft skin. 温和保湿水,富含植物性蛋白(杏仁萃取物),壳类和酵母萃取物能滋养并柔软肌肤。
- Same, after clean, embellish works, preexistence is cervical reach clavicular place to dab ? of water of a soft skin maintains skin tender slippery. 同样的,在清洁、润干后,先在颈部及锁骨处轻拍一层柔肤水?保持肌肤嫩滑。
- Us girls we are so magical. Soft skin, red lips, so kissable. Hard to resist, so touchable. Too good to deny it. Ain't no big deal, it's innocent. 我们女孩儿们都很迷人,娇嫩的肌肤,红红的嘴唇,太想令人想吻了,难以抗拒,,很想触摸,太难拒绝了,不是什么大人物,这是很单纯的
- Portuguese Prawn, the special Portuguese sauce with the crispy prawn, the soft skin of the prawn itself makes people swallow the whole prawn indeed. 葡萄牙式大虾,香脆的大虾配上可口的葡萄牙式酱料,大虾的壳酥脆得可整尾吞下。
- This machine is specially designed for widening mink and other soft skins. 该机器是对貂皮等细杂皮进行拉宽处理的专用设备。
- With her delicate strokes, a lifeless sofa and an unnoticeable cactus are transformed into creatures with soft skin or hairs. 所谓实在感是因为被描写的对象是在一种有意识的摆设下所被观者感知的原因。
- The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap. 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- Her shoes chafed the skin on her feet. 鞋子擦破了她脚上的皮肤。
- Quickly permeate, and is very good foundation oil.Abundant vitamin and protein, is good to moisten the oil, and can support the skin humidity, prevention crease and soft skin. 具有与肌肤极好的亲和性,快速渗透,是极佳的基础油。丰富的维生素及蛋白质,是很好的滋润及保湿油,可以维护皮肤水分,预防皱纹及柔软肌肤。