- cattlehide soft shoe upper leather 黄牛软面革
- The Technology of Processing Sheepskin Soft Shoe Upper Leather 绵羊软鞋面革水场制作工艺
- Technique of Cattle Soft Full-grain Shoe Upper Leather. 鲁西黄牛盐湿皮。
- soft shoe upper leather 软鞋面革
- The key points about the glazed goatskin shoe upper leather technology were. 对山羊打光鞋面革重点工艺进行介绍。
- By applying the materials, the glazed goatskin shoe upper leather produced is suit to demand. 通过对材料的应用,生产出符合要求的山羊打光鞋面革。
- Physical and mechanical properties of crust leather are up to the criteria for goatskin shoe upper leather. 坯革物理机械性能基本达到山羊鞋面革的性能要求。
- EGS system could greatly enhance the quality and grade of goat shoe upper leather when it was used in the retanning progress. 系统地论述了EGS系统在山羊鞋面革复鞣加工中的应用,并从:漂洗、软化、复鞣、中和、填充、染色加脂、粒面填充几个方面进行了介绍。
- The key finishing procedures of cattle shoe upper leather were introduced,such as corrected grain leather,nappa leather,pulling up leather etc. 主要针对牛鞋面革中的修面革、纳帕革、油面革等品种,在涂饰过程中的主要操作进行了介绍。
- The procedure, quality requirements and cautionary items during manufacturing shrinkage goat skin for shoe upper leather were discussed and summarized in this paper. 对山羊皮缩纹鞋面革的生产工艺,质量要求及生产过程中的注意事项进行了讨论和总结。
- The air permeability and the randomness of air permeability test of different shoe upper leather, shoe lining single -layer material and compounded samples were studied. 对不同鞋面革、鞋里材料单层和复合试样的透气性及其测试的随机性进行了试验研究。
- Through orthogonal test,chrome-free tanning technology of goatskin shoe upper leather with chrome-free tanning agents such as modified glutaraldehyde,modified vegetable tannin and syntans was studied. 采用改性戊二醛、改性栲胶、合成鞣剂等无铬鞣剂,通过正交试验,优化出了多种鞣剂结合鞣制山羊鞋面革的无铬鞣制工艺。
- The Process of Sheep skin Shoe Upper Leather 绵羊皮鞋面革加工工艺
- shrinkage goat skin for shoe upper leather 山羊皮缩纹革
- In this paper, testing study had been done on permeability to water vapor of different shoe upper leathers, shoe lining single-layer material and compounded samples. 对不同鞋面革、鞋里材料单层和复合试样的透水汽性进行了测试研究,结果表明;
- Technology of making soft chrome tanned grain shoe upper leather from horse hide 铬鞣马皮软正鞋面革的制作技术
- It is suitable for fatliquoring all shoe upper leathers, garment leathers, furniture upholstery leathers and so on,imparting leathers excellent softness,fullness,oil and other properties. 适用于各种鞋面革、服装革、沙发革等出皮加脂,赋予革优异的柔软性、丰满性、滋润性以及其它性能。
- Many experience of making sheep shoe upper leather in wet process 羊鞋面革水场生产的几点体会
- Technique on retanning of the glazed goatskin shoe upper leather 山羊打光鞋面革的复鞣技术
- The technology of waterproof shoe upper leather finishing 防水鞋面革的涂饰技术