- soft corn bread 玉米软质面包
- My father eats corn bread for breakfast. 我父亲早餐吃玉米面馒头。
- And eat steamed corn bread per meal. 一日三餐还得吃窝头呢。
- John is ready to feed his superior on soft corn. 约翰随时准备奉承上司。
- Most children today never taste genuine steamed corn bread . 现在的小孩子一般都没有吃过真正的窝头。
- When he saw Alice,the kitchen maid,he asked her if she still made corn bread. 他看到厨房里女佣人爱丽丝的时候,问她是不是还在做玉米面包。
- However, our society, haha, has at least two steamed corn bread per meal. 而我们社团,嘿嘿,每顿饭至少有俩窝头吃!
- I haven't got any corn bread, but I've got some wheat bread. Will that do you? 我没有玉米面包,但有些小麦面包。行吗?
- Virgins are open to new food ideas, so serve them Corn Bread Stuffing and Green Bean Casserole. 处女座喜欢新鲜的食物,类似玉米面包或青豆这样的蔬菜很受他们的欢迎。
- Had appeared the old people of hidebound state, should eat more boil soft corn, vegetable and fruit, can add condiment more in dish with appetitive. 已经出现营养不良状况的老年人,要多吃煮软的谷类、蔬菜和水果,可在菜中多加调料以促进食欲。
- "When he saw Alice, the kitchen maid," writes Archie Butt, "he asked her if she still made corn bread. 他看到厨房里女佣人爱丽丝的时候,问她是不是还在做玉蜀乘的面包。
- When I was young in the mountains, Grandmother spread the table with hot corn bread, pinto beans and fried okra. 孩提时住在山中,祖母会为我们张罗热乎乎的玉米面包、油煎秋葵和斑豆。
- Eat: Healthy foods that are easy to digest are corn bread, yogurt, brown rice, eggs and cottage cheese. 吃:容易消化的健康食物则包括玉米面面包、酸奶、棕色米、蛋和酸奶干酪。
- The men dared her to take a bite and, when she did, she discovered that beneath the smoke-blackened surface was unsalted corn bread. 她不但对于他们每吃一口都感到妒忌和吝啬,而且有点提心吊胆,生怕他们发现波克头天杀了一只小猪。
- Then, one evening, he visits his aunt's house and she cooks him a feast of real food: pork, okra stew, collard greens and corn bread. 然后有一天,他去拜访他的姑姑,姑姑给他做了一顿大餐:猪肉,豆荚趟,甘蓝,以及玉米面包。
- He is always doing little favors and telling about things to eat,chicken browned in a pan,and how is the best way to cook sweet potatoes and corn bread. 比尔达特总是做他最拿手的菜和谈论关于吃方面的话题,比如小鸡崽是怎样在锅里变成棕黄色的,以及烹饪甜土豆和玉米的最好方法是什么。
- Examples of quick breads are corn bread, doughnuts, muffins and pancakes. 例如玉米面包、甜甜圈、松饼和薄饼都属于快速面包。
- Soft drinks are much in demand this hot weather. 这么热的天气,软饮料需求量很大。
- He was fawning on a damsel with soft words. 他正用甜言蜜语向一位女郞献殷勤。
- After the rain the corn shot up as if by magic. 雨后玉米苗像变魔术一般的长起来了。