- Do you have soft contact lens care product? 有没有软性隐型眼镜保养用品?
- Keywords corneal sensitivity(corneal sensation;CTT);contact lens(soft lens;RGP lens); 角膜敏感性(角膜知觉;CTT);接触镜(软镜;RGP镜片);
- Soft lens, black and white, sepia effect! 2、在文件管理器中直接卸载。
- You almost stepped on my contact lens. 你险些踩到我的隐形眼镜。
- Can I take contact lens solution? 可否携带隐形眼镜药水?
- Everybody stand back! I lost my contact lens! 大家让开!我隐形眼镜掉了!
- Which is better, hard or soft contact lenses? 是硬式的还是软式的隐形眼镜较好?
- Do you wear hard or soft contact lenses? 你戴硬性还是软性隐形眼镜?
- The Contact Lens include Soft Contact Lens(SCL)and Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens(RGP). 接触镜包括软性角膜接触镜(SCL)和硬性透气性角膜接触镜(RGP)。
- I am very near-sighted and wearing a pair of contact lens now. 我非常近视而且现在正戴着隐形眼镜。
- Close all bottles of contact lens solution properly after use. 隐形眼镜护理药水应妥善盖好。
- A case of acanthamoeba keratitis associated with soft lens wearing was reported. 我们报告一例戴软式隐型眼镜而感染的例子。
- Never bring lenses or your lens case into contact with saliva, tap water or home made saline solutions or anything other than those products specifically designed for soft lenses. 请不要使用唾液;自来水;自制的食盐水来存放隐形眼镜!请使用隐形眼镜专用的保存液.
- Various ocular factors affect soft lens fitting.These include front ocular surface topography,eyelid forces and tear film characteristics. 影响软镜验配的眼部因素为:眼前表面的局部解剖形态、眼睑力和泪液特性。
- Objective To assess the importance of overrefraction in the soft contact lens(SCL) fitting of patients with higher ametropia or moderate to higher astigmatism. 目的探讨戴片验光在高度屈光不正或中、高度散光的屈光不正患者软性角膜接触镜(SCL)验配中的意义。
- Abstract Objective To assess the importance of overrefraction in the soft contact lens(SCL) fitting of patients with higher ametropia or moderate to higher astigmatism. 摘要 目的探讨戴片验光在高度屈光不正或中、高度散光的屈光不正患者软性角膜接触镜(SCL)验配中的意义。
- Due to its poor quality, the contact lens solution lost its credibility. 由于质量问题,这种隐形眼镜护理液倒牌子了。
- One eye seems to be swelling up, and getting the contact lens out is a bother. 一只眼睛似乎肿起来了,而取出隐形眼镜又是件很麻烦的事情。
- Rigid Contact Lenses And Myopia Progressi. 硬性隐形眼镜与近视发展。
- Why aren't you wearing your contact lenses? 你为什么没有戴隐性眼镜呢?