- He have to go home because of family obligation. 出于对家庭的责任,他不得不回家。
- They like new patterns of family life. 他们喜欢新的家庭生活方式。
- Sociology of Educational Policy:A New Paradigm? 教育政策社会学:一种新范式?
- The mother is often the pivot of family life. 母亲往往是家庭生活的中心人物。
- Banks, O. (1976). The sociology of education. London: Batsford. 马信行(1993)。教育社会学。台北:桂冠。
- She bethought herself of family obligations. 她牢记自己对家庭的责任。
- Television has now become the focal point of family life in many countries in the world. 现在世界上的许多国家看电视已经成为人们家庭生活中的主要消遣。
- sociology of family 家庭社会学
- He has to go home because of family obligation. 出于对家庭的责任,他不得不回家。
- My father is a repository of family history. 我的父亲对家族史无所不知。
- The new system expanded the role of family doctors. 新体制扩大了家庭医生的作用。
- Olive Banks (1968), The Sociology of Education, London: Batsford. 林清江(1974);教育社会学;台北:台湾书店.
- The story rapidly became part of family folklore. 这个故事很快就成为家族传说的一部份。
- The support of family and friends is vital. 亲友的支持极为重要。
- [The reproduction of culture among marriage migrants. Paper presented at the conference on Sociology of Family Law: Human Rights of and Care for Marriage Migrants in Taiwan. Chiayi, Taiwan. 婚姻移民的文化再生产.;发表于第五届家庭法律社会学国际学术研讨会:婚姻移民人权与照护
- Department of Family Studies and Social Work. 家庭研究和社会工作系。
- R. Merton, The Sociology of Science, Chicago Univ. Press, Chicago, 1994. 刘??,《科学社会学》,人民出版社,北京,1986。
- It was a kind of family contract. 这是一种父母之命的婚姻。
- The findings appear in the July issue of the journal Sociology of Education. 这个结果刊登在7月的教育社会学期刊上。
- Hallinan, M. T. (ed.) (2000). Handbook of the sociology of education. 张建成(2002)。批判的教育社会学研究。台北:学富。