- Sociology of deviant behavior / Clinard, Marshall B C912.68 / 1 Harcourt College Pu c2001. 责任推断:社会行为的理论基础B.;维纳;张爱卿;郑葳C912
- sociology of deviant behavior 异常行为社会学
- Exploring the correction of deviant behaviors is helpful for students' psychosomatic development. 探讨学生偏常行为的矫正方法有利于学生的身心发展。
- Sociology of Educational Policy:A New Paradigm? 教育政策社会学:一种新范式?
- An Ethical Inspiration from Western Sociological Studies of Deviant Behavior 西方越轨社会学研究的伦理启示
- Banks, O. (1976). The sociology of education. London: Batsford. 马信行(1993)。教育社会学。台北:桂冠。
- theories of deviant behavior 越轨理论
- Explore the preventions and the solutions to the athletes' deviant behavior. 四、探讨运动员偏差行为的预防及解决之道。
- Olive Banks (1968), The Sociology of Education, London: Batsford. 林清江(1974);教育社会学;台北:台湾书店.
- On the Definition and Classification of Deviant Behaviors in Scientific Activites 论科学活动中越轨行为的界定和分类
- John Ziman is a famous sociologist of science. 约翰·齐曼是一位科学家出身的科学社会学家。
- Whether or not deviant behavior is interpreted as positive or negative depends on communicators’ valences. 至于何为偏离预期的行为则要看交际者的衡量标准。
- R. Merton, The Sociology of Science, Chicago Univ. Press, Chicago, 1994. 刘??,《科学社会学》,人民出版社,北京,1986。
- The findings appear in the July issue of the journal Sociology of Education. 这个结果刊登在7月的教育社会学期刊上。
- Hallinan, M. T. (ed.) (2000). Handbook of the sociology of education. 张建成(2002)。批判的教育社会学研究。台北:学富。
- Third, there have several significant relationships between the social bonds, sensation seeking and deviant behavior. 另外,社会连结与刺激寻求及偏差行为之间也有显著相关。
- Torres, C. A. & Mitchell, T. R. (eds.)(1998). Sociology of education. 黄政杰、李隆盛编(1995)。乡土教育。台北:汉文。
- Brookover, W.A. and Gottlieb, D. (1935), A Sociology of Education, N.Y. 孙得雄(1972);人口问题与家庭计划;台北:幼狮书店.
- Abstract : Deviant behavior is a common social phenomenon,which is also an object of study of criminology. 越轨行为是一种常见的社会现象,也是犯罪学的研究对象之一。
- Social Control Theory and Juvenile Deviant Behavior: A Case of Yunlin and Chiayi Area. 社会控制与青少年偏差行为---以云嘉地区为例