- The political climate was ripe for constitutional reform. 政治氛围很适合宪政改革。
- His ideas on equality are viewed as utopian in the current political climate. 在当前的政治气候下,他关于平等的观点被认为是乌托邦。
- The favourable political climate is conducive to economic investment. 良好的政治气候有利于经济投资。
- After the Iraq war, the political climate is not so tense as before. 伊拉克战争结束后,政治风气没有以前那么紧张了。
- Their opinions can shift in response to changes in the political climate. 他们的看法可能会因为政治气候而转变。
- Their opinio can shift in re o e to changes in the political climate. 他们的看法可能会因为政治气候而转变。
- In spite of the change in the political climate,he sticks t his guns about the need for trade union reform. 尽管政治气候风云变幻,但他仍然坚持认为工会改革是必要的。
- To enable them to be aware of what kind of work they CAN do within the current social and political climate. 让参与者了解在当前的社会和政治现状下,他们可以进行那些工作。
- This chaotic political climate precipitated the dark times that overcame the galaxy. 这个混乱的政治气候一下子将银河系带入了一个黑暗的时代。
- Is the present business and political climate of the Philippines favorable to prospective foreign investments? 当前菲律宾的商务与政治环境是否有利于外国投资?
- In spite of the change in the political climate, he sticks t his guns about the need for trade union reform. 尽管政治气候风云变幻,但他仍然坚持认为工会改革是必要的。
- Third, efforts should be made to maintain a sound political climate favorable to energy security and stability, Hu said. 三是要维护能源安全稳定的良好政治环境。
- Second, with voters detesting the ever-deteriorating political climate and economic reforms failing to work, voter turnout declined. 第二,选民厌恶政治风气每况愈下,经济改革不彰,导致投票率未升反降。
- Stu Rothenberg, who publishes a political newsletter in Washington, says in the current political climate, with a weakened U. 近年来,美国国会批准了同中美洲国家以及秘鲁的自由贸易协议。
- In today’s political climate, public displays of prosperity are the kind of thing that gets you lambasted by a Senate subcommittee. 以现在的政治气候,谁公开炫富就会被参议员委员会骂到狗血淋头。
- John Labey Gradually withdraw military forces from Iraq over the next year regardless of the country's political climate. 什么应是美国对伊拉克的政策?自由党 (美国) Withdraw military forces from Iraq immediately.
- Nick Oliva Gradually withdraw military forces from Iraq over the next year regardless of the country's political climate. 什么应是美国对伊拉克的政策?纽约时报 Withdraw military forces from Iraq immediately.
- "What is the setting in which we might get meaningful long-term reform?" Mr.Rudman recently asked."Unless the political climate changes profoundly, it will take a crisis. 他还指出,美国并没有摆脱赤字的困扰:后来的老布什总统和克林顿总统在各自任内都不得不忍痛提高税收并大幅削减开支,最后才终于达到预算平衡。
- While mandating anything in today's political climate is likely to encounter some resistance, passing tree protection and landscaping ordinances may not be as hard as it once was. 尽管现如今政府所颁布的任何命令都会遭遇到一些抵制,但是树木保护和经管美化的强制性措施也许不会象以前那样困难。
- "At the moment the political climate is not very favourable to the pro-democracy camp," said Cheung Chor-yung, an expert at City University of Hong Kong. “然而目前的政治环境对民主派不太有利,”香港城市大学张楚勇专家说。