- society gives relief 社会救济
- It also stockpiled food to give relief in times of famine. 政府还准备储备物资以防灾荒。
- And yet it somehow gives relief comparable with the feeling when entering a cave and this landscape will be a place that wakes up this instinct. 但它以某种方式给予救济媲美的感觉当进入一个洞穴,这将是景观的地方,唤醒这种本能。
- A good reason for business to be socially responsible is that society gives business organization the right to exist. 让企业承担社会责任的充分理由是社会赋予了企业存在的权力。
- Peppermint brightens the skin, is great for closing pores, and gives relief to tired feet. No wonder it's a popular additive to beauty products. 薰衣草再也不是你外婆的专用草药了。它是很好的紧肤剂,并且也能添加入除臭剂中。用于按摩油和芳香疗法中时,它能起到镇静的作用。
- At the same time,the theory of governance based in civil society gives us important inspiration for social gove. 而与公民社会的发展紧密相联系的治理理论引进,无疑预示着我国从社会"管理"到社会"治理"的变革。
- The old society gave the laboring people nothing but misery. 旧社会给劳动人民带来的只有痛苦。
- The society gives our appraisal is: Selfish, oneself, thinks oneself infallible. 社会给我们的评价是:自私,自我,自以为是。
- Only a wealthy, powerful and united country can improve people's standard of living in a large scaleA single person could only give relief to few people. 只有一个富裕、强大、统一的国家,才可能大规模的改善人民的生活水平,仅仅靠某个人的力量,只能救济极少数人罢了。
- Give relief to the unemployed. 救济失业。
- The actuating pressure that modern society gives everybody is very great, so I regard the home is the place that only lets he is unrestrained, footloose. 现代社会给每人的工作压力都很大,所以我把家看作是惟一让自己无拘无束、自由安闲的地方。
- Women perform equally well with men on both educational attainments & intelligence provided that society gives them a fair chance & equal opportunities. 只要我们的社会给予妇女公平的机会和平等的机遇,女性在学术上的成就和所表现的智慧毫不逊色于男性。
- "Mr.Darcy, I am a very selfish creature;and, for the sake of giving relief to my own feelings, care not how much I may be wounding your's. “达西先生,我是个自私自利的人,我只想叫自己心里痛快,也不管是否会伤害你的情感。
- What our ancestors achieved in the context of their contemporary society gives us confidence that we can create, out of that past, a glorious future, not in terms of war and military pomp, but in terms of social progress and of peace. 我们的祖先在当时的社会所取得的成就给予我们信心,相信我们能够植根于过去,创造光辉的未来,不是在战争和耀武扬威方面,而是在社会进步与和平方面。
- To give relief and avert calamity 放账救灾
- To give relief in cash and in kind 济财济食
- "Sex education needs to be strengthened, with universities and our society giving more guidance," Li Ying, a professor at Peking University, told China Daily. “应该在大学加强性教育,我们的社会也应该给予更多的指引。”北京大学的教授李英告诉中国日报的记者。
- the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction. 安慰的动作;减轻痛苦。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- These criminals are the dregs of society. 这些罪犯都是社会的渣滓。