- It can get good society and economic efficiency on the feasible study on the raising height of truck spoilbank bench at Baiyunebo Mine. 本文针对白云铁矿提高汽车排土场的排土高度可行性做了论述,可获得巨大经济效益和社会效益。
- On this one problem, plutonomy schoolbook and economic theory bound think mostly, of servile society and feudal society unripe.. 在这一问题上,政治经济学教科书和经济理论界大都认为,奴隶社会和封建社会的生...
- Cashing in on such a heritage, the succeeding doctrine underwent substantial changes in content and structure, and on the partition between Civil Society and Economic Soc... 后来的市民社会理论以此为基础,在市民社会的内容结构、市民社会与经济社会的区分方面又发生了实质性变迁。
- The second part analyses IIT's effects on social equity, efficiency, labor supplying and economic stability, evaluates its effects to society and economy. 通过分析个人所得税的公平和效率、个人所得税对劳动供给、储蓄和经济稳定的影响,客观地评价个人所得税对社会和经济的影响。
- As an engine and a thruster of economic globalization, multinationalcorporations (MNCs) could impact systematically on developing countries andareas" society and economic. 跨国公司作为经济全球化的发动机和推进器,会通过直接投资对发展中国家和地区的社会经济产生系统性影响。
- Call on the international community and invite civil society and the private sector to take appropriate measures to help alleviate the social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS in the most affected developing countries. 呼吁国际社会,并邀请民间团体和私有部门采取适当措施,以缓解艾滋病感染最严重的发展中国家中艾滋病病毒/艾滋病所带来的社会和经济冲击。
- With the fast development of modem society and economy, leisure gym, as a new cultural and economic phenomenon, has become a more and more heated topic in policy and academic research. 摘要随着社会经济的飞速发展、休闲活动的兴起,休闲体育也作为一种新的社会文化和经济现象越来越成为政策和学术研究的焦点。
- For many years we Communists have struggled for a cultural revolution as well as for a political and economic revolution,and our aim is to build a new society and a new state for the Chinese nation. 我们共产党人,多年以来,不但为中国的政治革命和经济革命而奋斗,而且为中国的文化革命而奋斗;一切这些的目的,在于建设一个中华民族的新社会和新国家。
- An artist should be fit for the best society and keep out of it. 艺术家应该适合最高阶层社会而又应置身于其外。
- Being a componential part of the political and economic system of society, education is an issue which involves various complicated elements such as the changes of culture, society and institution. 而且,由于教育是社会政治经济制度的组成部份,涉及到文化变迁、社会变迁、制度变迁等诸多复杂因素。
- With the development of society and economics, farmer social security has becoming an obtruding issue. 这不仅严重地阻碍了我国的发展,也不利于“三农问题”的解决。
- It will give us both cultural and economic advantage as a society. 这将使我们的社会同时具备文化和经济的优势。
- Land rearrangement has great meaning not only for sustainable land use but for the entire reqional sustainable developing on society and economics. 摘要土地整理对土地资源地可持续利用乃至整个社会地可持续发展都有着十分重要地意义。
- A five-day week benefits more than individually and economically. 五天工作制不仅仅对国家经济和个人有好处。
- Having a highly developed society and culture. 文明化的在社会和文化上高度发展的
- Social and economic problems can only worsen. 社会问题和经济形势每况愈下。
- Abstract :Land rearrangement has great meaning not only for sustainable land use but for the entire reqional sustainable developing on society and economics. 摘 要 :土地整理对土地资源地可持续利用乃至整个社会地可持续发展都有着十分重要地意义。
- The rise in delinquency is an indictment of our society and its values. 为非作歹现象有增无已,这是对我们的社会及其价值观的控诉。
- Toronto is Canada's cultural and economic center. 多伦多是加拿大的文化和经济的中心。
- Financial and Economic Statistics Monthly. 金融经济分馆统计月报/