- socialist legal order [法] 社会主义秩序
- Improve the socialist legal system. (二)加强社会主义法制建设。
- This is a new method that we must learn as quickly as possible in order to develop socialist democracy and improve the socialist legal system. 这是现在和今后发展社会主义民主、健全社会主义法制的过程中要求我们必须尽快学会处理的新课题。
- Socialist democracy is inseparable from a socialist legal system. 社会主义民主和社会主义法制不可分割。
- The state upholds the uniformity and dignity of the socialist legal system. 国家维护社会主义法制的统一和尊严。
- To advocate socialist legal system while providing aforesaid services. 通过上述业务活动,进行社会主义法制宣传。
- Breach of procedural law has a character of tort and destroys the legal order. 程序性违法具有侵权的特征,同时也是对法律程序的严重破坏。
- His legal thoughts have profound referential significanceto our legal system and institutions.We must draw the essence and turn over to think of the deficiency, in order to enable our socialist legal system construction to acquire further development. 他的这些法律思想对我们现在的法制建设有深远的借鉴意义,我们应汲取其精华,反思不足,从而使我国的社会主义法制建设取得更大的进步。
- Democracy without socialist legality, without the Party's leadership and without discipline and order is definitely not socialist democracy. 不要社会主义法制的民主,不要党的领导的民主,不要纪律和秩序的民主,决不是社会主义民主。
- We should continue to develop socialist democracy and improve the socialist legal system. 要继续发展社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制。
- The order that legislators peruse is to find self-evident t ruth and legal order. 立法者阅读的秩序可界定为发现公理和法律的秩序。
- Socialist democracy and socialist legality are inseparable. 社会主义民主和社会主义法制是不可分的。
- The whole nation sees in them the hope for a strictly enforced socialist legal system. 全国人民都看到了严格实行社会主义法制的希望。
- Democracy without socialist legality,without the Party's leadership and without discipline and order is definitely not socialist democracy. 不要社会主义法制的民主、不要党的领导的民主、不要纪律和秩序的民主决不是社会主义民主。
- The regulations on the criminalization of seafarers shall be covered in the said legal order. 海洋环境污染事故发生后有关行为人犯罪及刑事责任的问题,也当然被包含在这个法律秩序当中。
- Therefore,we maintain that while strengthening democracy,we should improve the socialist legal system. 所以我们提出在加强民主的同时,要加强社会主义法制。
- Promoting socialist democracy and improving the socialist legal system are two aspects of a single whole. 发扬社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制,两方面是统一的。
- Without the universal abidance of states by international law, there would not be the peaceful and well-being international legal order. 没有国家对国际法的普遍遵守,就不可能有和平安宁的国际法律秩序。
- In our political restructuring we shall emphasize the importance of both socialist democracy and the socialist legal system. 中国的政治体制改革,要讲社会主义的民主,也要讲社会主义的法制。
- The chief horse dragon of website of love sky commonweal entrusts a lawyer, the decision counterpoises through legal order dimension. 爱心天空公益网站的负责人马龙委托律师,决定通过法律程序维权。