- socialist legal govern 社会主义法治
- Improve the socialist legal system. (二)加强社会主义法制建设。
- Socialist democracy is inseparable from a socialist legal system. 社会主义民主和社会主义法制不可分割。
- The state upholds the uniformity and dignity of the socialist legal system. 国家维护社会主义法制的统一和尊严。
- To advocate socialist legal system while providing aforesaid services. 通过上述业务活动,进行社会主义法制宣传。
- We should continue to develop socialist democracy and improve the socialist legal system. 要继续发展社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制。
- The whole nation sees in them the hope for a strictly enforced socialist legal system. 全国人民都看到了严格实行社会主义法制的希望。
- Therefore,we maintain that while strengthening democracy,we should improve the socialist legal system. 所以我们提出在加强民主的同时,要加强社会主义法制。
- Socialist democracy and socialist legality are inseparable. 社会主义民主和社会主义法制是不可分的。
- Promoting socialist democracy and improving the socialist legal system are two aspects of a single whole. 发扬社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制,两方面是统一的。
- In our political restructuring we shall emphasize the importance of both socialist democracy and the socialist legal system. 中国的政治体制改革,要讲社会主义的民主,也要讲社会主义的法制。
- Article 5. The state upholds the uniformity and dignity of the socialist legal system. 第五条国家维护社会主义法制的统一和尊严。
- The Constitution stipulates: "The state upholds the uniformity and dignity of the socialist legal system. 九、宪法规定:“国家维护社会主义法制的统一和尊严。”
- This is a new method that we must learn as quickly as possible in order to develop socialist democracy and improve the socialist legal system. 这是现在和今后发展社会主义民主、健全社会主义法制的过程中要求我们必须尽快学会处理的新课题。
- To realize the four modernizations,it is essential to promote socialist democracy and strengthen the socialist legal system. 为了实现四个现代化,必须发扬社会主义民主和加强社会主义法制。
- Democracy in China means socialist democracy, and our socialist democracy and socialist legal system complement each other. 中国的民主是社会主义民主,是同社会主义法制相辅相成的。中国正是根据自己的实际情况
- They not only aggrieve the parties' legal procedural rights, but also hinder our country's construction of a socialist legal state. 这不但侵害了当事人合法的程序权利,而且阻碍了我国社会主义法治国家的建设进程。
- We will strengthen ties with local people's congresses and work with them to develop socialist democracy and the socialist legal system. 加强与地方人大联系,共同推动社会主义民主法制建设。
- The U.S.A recognizes the Government of PRC as the sole legal Government of China. 美国承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府。
- Today, the traditional culture of public law still has deep-rooted influence and plays an enormous hindrance role to the present socialist legal construction. 传统公法文化今天仍然根深蒂固地存在着并对当前正在进行的社会主义法治建设起着巨大的阻碍作用。