- Verbal Communication, Social Linguistic Competence and FL Enpowerment Education 言语交际、社会语言能力与外语素质教育
- And their language and linguistic competence should be improved. 他们的语言能力和语言学知识必须得到提高。
- social linguistic competence 社会语言能力
- The linguistic competence of the speaker. 说话者的语言能力。
- The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence. 写作能力是对语言能力的最高形式的检验。
- Linguistic competence is a person's knowledge of the rules of the language. 语言能力反映了一个人对语言规则的理解程度。
- INPUT language which contains linguistic items that are slightly beyond the learner's present linguistic COMPETENCE. 向学习者输入略高于其现有语言能力的语言项目。
- Early in 1965, Chomsky proposed the idea of linguistic competence and linguisticperformance. 早在1965 年,乔姆斯基就提出了语言能力和语言行为两个概念,指出了二者的不同。
- The aim of language teaching is to develop learners' linguistic competence, and its core is the sense of the language. 摘要语言教学的目的是培养学习者的语言能力,而语言能力的核心是语感能力。
- The universality of metaphoric expression proves its irreplaceable importance in language and the essential component of linguistic competence. 摘要隐喻性表达的普遍性,证明隐喻在语言中具有不可替代的重要性,显示了隐喻性表达是语言能力的重要构成。
- Translation equivalence can be used to assess the linguistic competence of a translator. What an original author says and how he says it, that is the problem of the translator. 翻译对等可以用于评估一个翻译的语言能力。源作者说了什么,他怎么说的,那是译者的问题。
- They know that students need to hear the target language spoken and that it must be comprehensible, engaging, and slightly beyond their current linguistic competence. 他们知道学生需要倾听口语并且该语言必须是可理解的,吸引人的,稍微超出他们目前的语言能力。
- It also casts doubt upon some specious concepts and points out that it"s not realistic to overstress communicative competence while underestimating linguistic competence. 针对中学英语课堂教学的现状,对一些似是而非的观念提出质疑。
- Thus, it takes actual uses of language as the object of study, in opposition to Chomsky's approach that takes the ideal speaker's linguistic competence as the object of study. 这样,它把语言的实际运用当作研究的对象。这一点与乔姆斯基把理想化的发言人的语言能力当作研究对象的路子恰恰相反。
- Hymes coined this term of communicative competence in order to contrast a communicative view of language and Chomsky’s theory of linguistic competence. “交际能力”这一概念最初是由美国社会语言学家Hymes针对Chomsky的“语言能力”提出来的。
- A new approach to the study of Chinese dialects is one that combines the methods used in modern social linguistics and dialect geography. 结合现代社会语言学和方言地理学的方法来研究汉语方言应该成为方言研究的一个新的途径。
- The main methods of study are the systematic and deep investigation and description, geographical linguistics methods, social linguistics method. 研究方法主要是:系统深入的调查和描写,地理语言学方法,社会语言学方法。
- For example,the Chinese terms for " central force "," entropy " and "enthalpy " are so accurately translated with linguistic competence,one could not have figured them out without a profound literary background. 例如在物理学里的中心的“辏力”,热力学里的“熵”和“焓”,是多么确切而又有韵味,没有好的文学根底是想不出来的。
- Likewise, it encourages groups to advocate peer learning and correction, to build up intrinsic motivation and self-confidence, and to use their approximate linguistic competence in an unthreatened environment. 此种教学法鼓励小组成员互相学习及修正错误、建立内在动机及自信心、并且有机会在轻松的环境中应用所学。
- In this article, theoretical lnguistics, social linguistics, and stylistic ideas are relied on to explicate the stylist c aspects of Uyghur folk proverbs. 本文采用理论语言学、社会语言学和修辞学理论来研究维吾尔谚语的修辞艺。