- social relation capital 社会关系资本
- A good-humored or playful manner in conversation or social relations. 幽默轻松交谈或社交中的脾气好的或爱开玩笑的方式
- Social relations impose courtesy. 社会关系强迫人们献殷勤。
- The spectacle is not a collection of images, but a social relation among people, mediated by images. 景观不是影象的聚集,而是以影象为中介的人们之间的社会关系。
- The campaign of land reform and the suppression of counterrevolutionary remade a new kind of social relation. 土地改革和镇压反革命运动重组了乡村社会结构,重塑了新的社会关系。
- Labor relation is the most basic social relation of the modern society, without it there will be not social harmony. 摘要劳动关系是现代社会最基本的社会关系,没有劳动关系的和谐就没有社会的和谐。
- Daily social relations are always dominated by family ties. 社会关系总是被家庭纽带主宰着。
- In any society production is a social productive system. which is based on material production and is directly decided by social relation production. 任何一个社会的生产,都是一个基于物质生产而由社会关系生产直接决定的社会生产系统。
- Currently ethnic minority regions still maintain traditional and unique social relation adjusting mechanism which is called customary law. 摘要少数民族地区目前仍保留着传统而特有的社会关系调整机制即习惯法;
- What is more, the rupture of social relation network of vulnerable groups jobless impairs the social support functions of the network greatly. 失业下岗人员的社会网络断裂,更使其社会支持功能的发挥大打折扣。
- I come from baoding,in hebei province.I'm 17 years old.I'm a little introversive.So my social relation is not very good. 我来自河北保定,今年17岁,我的性格内向,不太爱说话,所以人际关系比较差,呵呵。
- The analysis result shows that a company needs to foster relational capital by structured and specific alliance oriented methods. 分析结果表明:一个公司进行关系资本培育要同时从结构化方法和面向特定联盟的方法两个方面着手。
- To repair social relation is the main characteristic of restorative juvenile justice.RJJ not only absorbs virtue of welfare model and retributive model, but also overcomes them. 摘要以修复因为犯罪所侵害的社会关系为主要特征的恢复性少年司法既是对传统福利型少年司法和报应型少年司法的折中,也是对两者的超越。
- In 1988, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision established a method of relating capital assets, using a simple system of risk weights and a minimum capital ratio of 8%. 1998年,巴塞尔银行监管委员会规定了关联资本资产的方法,即运用简单的风险衡量系统,并保证不低于8%25的最低资本率。
- Moral education is carried out in the social relation of school.The process of moral education is first and foremost the process of interaction of school institutionalism. 道德教育在学校社会关系中展开,道德教育过程首先并且主要是学校制度性互动的过程。
- Satisfying social relations are vital to sound mental and emotional health. 让人满意的社会关系对于良好的精神和情绪健全至关重要。
- "Mirror neurons may be very important for social relations," Iacoboni said. “镜像神经元对人际关系是非常重要的,” 亚可波里说。
- Freedom is a nature of human being, only through the objectifying activity of man and in the social relation between people is its realization concretely achieved, however. 摘要自由是人的本性,但它必须通过人的物化活动,在人与人的社会联系中才能具体地实现出来。
- During its diffusion, media is important instrument of harmonizing social relation, allocating social resources and implementing public view surveillance . 在危机的扩散期,媒体是调节社会关系,动员社会资源,实施舆论监督的重要工具。