- social public interests group 社会公益团体
- It believed that civil society and public interest groups could provide useful inputs, that could advance the social and development functions of intellectual property. 认为民间社会和公益集团能提供有益信息,有助于提升知识产权的社会与发展功能。
- Under special circumstances, based on the need of the social public interests, equity joint ventures may be expropriated under legal procedures and against appropriate compensation. 在特殊情况下,根据社会公共利益的需要,对合营企业可以依照法律程序实行征收,并给予相应的补偿。
- The state asset drains creates the social public interest to suffer from significant harm, because our country lacks this aspect of procedural legislation, only if has the direct formidable sponsor to sue, otherwise the legal procedure is unable to start. 虽然国有资产的流失造成社会公共利益受到重大损害,由于我国缺乏这方面的程序性立法,除非有直接利害关系人起诉,否则诉讼程序无法启动。
- Much of the most important environmental litigation is brought by public interest groups. 大部分重要的环境诉讼都是由公共利益集团提出的。
- Canada had a long-standing practice of encouraging the participation of civil society and public interest groups in international organizations. 加拿大长期以来一直鼓励民间社会和公众利益集团参与国际组织的活动。
- The second measure proposed was adopting methods to ensure transparency and the participation of civil society and public interests groups, in the debates and activities of WIPO. 第二项建议的措施是,设法保证WIPO辩论和活动的透明性及民间社会和公益集团的参与。
- As to the participation of civil society and public interest groups, it was of the view that they did not have to change their current practice. 至于民间社会和公益集团的参与问题,该代表团认为不需要改变现有的做法。
- The politics of American public interest groups is represented by the political participation pattern of the new behaviorism. 摘要美国的公共利益集团政治表现为新的行动主义的政治参与模式。
- In point 18, the Delegation was moved by the concern for greater participation of civil society and of public interest groups in activities and negotiations. 该代表团被第18点所感动,因为其中提出要求让民间社会和公共利益团体更为广泛地参与活动和谈判。
- WIPO should make an effort to actively solicit the views of different public interest groups working in the developing world, in its various policy-making bodies. WIPO应该努力主动征求发展中国家各公共利益团体对其不同政策制定机构的意见。
- The debate aroused not a speck of public interest. 这次争论没有引起公众丝毫的兴趣。
- Critique of the Politics of US Public Interest Group 美国公共利益集团政治评析
- HELR draws upon environmental experts from government, academia, private practice, industry and public interest groups to cover legal developments at the local, state, federal, foreign, and international levels. 该刊物从政府、术界、人公司、共利益团体等机构聘请环境专家,对地方、家、邦、外、际的环境法发展进行评论。
- To set objectives and issues to be addressed in each proposed treaty or norm based on the views of all stakeholders, with special emphasis on participation by public interest groups. 根据所有利益攸关者的意见,并尤其强调在公共利益团体的参与下,确定每一项拟议的条约或准则应处理的目标和问题。
- With regard to the participation of civil society, public interest groups and NGOs in the work of WIPO, the Delegation thought that the current rules already ensured wide participation. 在民间社会、公益集团和非政府组织参与WIPO的问题上,该代表团认为,当前的规则已经保证了广泛的参与。
- As also discussed during the WSIS, physical participation at such events substantially depended upon infrastructure and resources often not available to public interest groups, in particular. 正如在信息社会世界高峰会议(WSIS)期间讨论的那样,能否亲自参加这样的活动,基本上取决于是否具备相应的基础设施和资源,而公益性团体等机构经常缺乏资源。
- Annie: Sports cause itself is a social public welfare cause. 安妮: 体育事业本身就是一项社会性的公益事业。
- The pro bono network has provided critical suste¬nance to legal services and public interest groups, which have relied heavily upon pro bono resources to advance their agendas. 公益性服务网络为法律服务和公共利益团体提供了重要的给养,这些群体严重依赖公益性服务资源来推进其工作。
- Public interest centres on the outcome of next month's by-election. 公众的兴趣集中在下个月补缺选举的结果上。