- social political upheavals 社会动乱
- These political upheavals might well destroy the whole framework of society. 这些政治动乱很可能会破坏整个社会结构。
- It has survived two world wars and withstood the economic, social and political upheavals of a particularly trouble century. 它幸存于两次世界大战中,经历了一个经济、社会和政治大动荡的特殊世纪。
- Such feelings tend to remain submerge beneath a mask of social politeness. 在社交礼貌的掩盖下,这样的情感往往不会显露出来。
- Indeed,the blames from our neighbours suffering from political upheavals amid the economic woes have only served to make us even more united. 金融危机引发的政治变数,左邻右舍自己犯了重感冒,反而采取责怪我们为什么没有伤风的转移视线的下策,这只有促使我国各族群团结一致。
- It was a violent political upheaval. 这是一场激烈的政治动乱。
- Indeed, the blames from our neighbours suffering from political upheavals amid the economic woes have only served to make us even more united. 金融危机引发的政治变数,左邻右舍自己犯了重感冒,反而采取责怪我们为什么没有伤风的转移视线的下策,这只有促使我国各族群团结一致。
- Racked by a recession, Japan could now be headed for one of the biggest political upheavals a country has seen since the end of WWII. 受到此次经济危机的冲击,日本现在可能要经历一场巨大的政治变革,这场变革可能是二战后最重大的国家政治变革之一。
- In a country with a high savings rate and raw memories of past political upheavals triggered by sharp price rises, officials watch the inflation rate warily. 在一个储蓄率居高不下、有着价格大幅飙升引发政治动荡的痛苦回忆的国家,政府官员们正谨慎关注着通胀率。
- Lawrence lived his relatively short life during a period of social and political upheaval. 劳伦斯比较短促的一生,正处在社会和政治大动荡的时期。
- Building a harmonious society is not only our social political mission but also the goal and task in ethics building. 摘要构建和谐社会,不仅是一个社会的政治使命,同时也是道德建设的目标和任务。
- Although, following the change of ruling parties, the political clout of those who must bear the onus for the228 tragedy is no longer so strong, in the future there nevertheless remains a potential for political upheavals. 虽然政党轮替后,二二八事件里的罪魁祸首政治势力不再如此强大,但是未来还是有许多可能产生的政治变局。
- The political upheaval in Kenya has pushed tea prices higher. 肯尼亚的政治动荡使得茶叶价格上涨。
- Constructing social political civilization bedded on the history and realistic situation of our county plays a key role in harmonic society. 结合中国的历史和国情现实,建设社会主义政治文明,对促进和谐社会的形成具有关键性作用。
- Such feelings tend to remain submerged beneath a mask of social politeness. 在社交礼貌的掩盖下,这样的情感往往不会显露出来。
- These political upheaval may well destroy the whole framework of society. 这些政治动乱很可能会破坏整个社会结构。
- This made his thought tinged with Western background and characterized with rational pragmatism, which became the precondition of his social political ideas. 这使得其思想既具极强的西方背景,又呈现理性实用主义的特征,进而构成日后其社会政治思想得以渐次展开的基本前提。
- This section attempts to capture the costs that may be incurred as a consequence of an incident that has sufficient repercussions to cause social and/or political upheaval. 该段主要尝试讨论如下问题;对一些足以招致社会/政治剧变的事件所带来的后果要付出的代价.
- Please fill me in on the latest political upheaval in Central America. 请告诉我关于中美洲最新政变的情况。
- Foreign Minister in Political Upheavals 出长外交